AOG - //To those caring and sympathetic (I thought it more polite to add the 'sym') ABers, perhaps you would care to read this?
Let's just hope that none of us experience one of those encouraged UK terror attacks. //
I am unsure of the point of your post.
Is it to register your disdain for the AB'ers like me who feel sorry that a naive young woman has died? Fine - noted, i am already aware of your attitude on this subject.
Is it to point out the cruelty of the ISIS followers to their women?
Save your time - I have the same media access as you do, and I am not in need of the pointing out of the obvious, I doubt anyone else on this thread is either.
I am not sure whether your imagine that to sympathise with the death of a deluded woman equates to an ignorance of ISIS cultural attitudes? Again I can assure you that it does not.
And as to your final point - again, sympathy for a needless death does not equate with welcoming a terror attack with open arms.
If you wish to insult AB'ers for holding a different view, and hold the moral high ground for it - be so kind as to not do so by appearing to leap to erroneous conclusions, and displaying an apparent inability to distinguish between sympathy over a death, and ignorance of the situation that caused it to happen.
I am sure this will lead to a 'I don't need the likes of you ...' response, in which case I am sure you will understand my stance in this reply, since it is identical.