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Am Staying Here

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jennyjoan | 23:19 Fri 12th Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Am staying here instead of going to techie.

My sista is over 70 and loves her pay as you go - a real old one.

Her birthday is coming in September and I know nothing mobile phones cos I don't use them.

Anybody advise me a very basic one for her to learn. So she can't text but I am assuming it is easy now - as you type on the keyboard and the letter pops up. Wee bits and pieces. Wee uncomplicated apps.

So she google, and text. Must be Pay As You Go. Will be ever so grateful for any advice. JennyJoan from Gloccamara.


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A bit overdone o the poteen, methinks.
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I hope to look at all your wonderful answers tomorrow AND if she does NOT like it I MAY LIKE IT cos I need to move up from what I have also another old old mobile.

You would have seen - people asking questions on them and them getting an answer. Would that be P A Y Go - show me some examples. kiddos - night
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I dont know what you mean Jackie but no drink tonight - really - have been off it for about 8 weeks now.
you shouldn't post if you've overdone it, Jackdaw. Perfectly straightforward request for advice on mobiles (which I can't give as I don't have one) but good luck jj.
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jno - is jackie overdun or is he implying me cos I have drunk nothing for 8 weeks.

Any nice answers tomorrow. Thanks Guys
No offence meant, I just thought that Gloccamara was a fictitious town in Ireland. I must be wrong.
I hope you enjoy your tipple jack
disease of the eye isn't it?
LOL @ Talbot. I shall say no more.
I'm sure you'll get some good answers tomorrow JJ - if not then do post in Tech , they don't bite.

It's not the disease of the eye , I have that and know how to spell it :-)
Mexican dip then?
Isn't that what Peter Mandelson called mushy peas?
it's Finian's Rainbow, but don't let that stop anyone answering the question about mobiles
I have a windows phone and it is great for texting ... I speak it types I send message.
Not Gil. fill father in law
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Am thinking she does not have WIFI in her home - no young ones there staying there. Does she need to have WIFI
no. She will pay to do stuff on her payg account....same as now

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