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Hillary's Health

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-Talbot- | 21:04 Sun 11th Sep 2016 | News
88 Answers
Rumours abound for months now. Today those rumours were fuelled.

Cover up on her health or did she just get'overheated'?


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Perhaps she's just working too hard.
Meh - our Sandy would do it no problem!
I'm a year younger than her and three years younger than Trump and I certainly could't do it.
Perhaps America needs Obama to continue for one more term, seeing as one candidate this year is physically ill and the other one is ment...

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Why do people constantly ignore the fact that Hillary is seen as a Hawk?
Women who want to be elected have to be seen as iron ladies, whether Gandhi, Thatcher or Boudicca. Helen Clark is the only anti military prime minister I can think of (which is why the US will block her from the top job at the UN).
Talbot....why do people constantly ignore the fact that Trump is a horrible, ignorant, twit ?
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mikey, they don't, you and others post that sort of comment often. (and I wouldn't argue against that)

But why do people constantly ignore the fact that Hillary is seen as a Hawk?
(as you just did)

Trump has been putting both feet into his mouth for years, not just the last few months.

For instance, he used to swear that Obama was not eligible to become President because he wasn't an American citizen. He did this for many years, until it was proved conclusively that Obama was born in the State of Hawaii.

He has proven, beyond reasonable doubt that he is racist, misogynist, and just about every other thing you can think of. And yet, he commands much support on AB.

Whatever sins Hilary may have committed, they pale into significance compared with Trump.

And talking of being a hawk, are you suggesting that Trump is some kind of a dove ? ....His tenuous grasp of foreign policy is breathtakingly inadequate.
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We don't whether Trump is dove or hawk do we?

Donald Dove V Hillary Hawk
Trump backed the war in Libya - "if we don't get rid of Gadaffi it's a black eye for the USA" or words to that effect. Partly so he could take Libyan oil. He wants the law changed to permit torture.

Donald Dove? Goodness me.
Talbot...with great respect, there is plenty of evidence Trump is most definitely hawkish !

But its his sheer incompetency that is my concern. Based on his wild, and sometimes incoherent utterances, I just don't think he can be trusted, at all.
jno.......we crossed in the post, and yes, you are describe Trump as a "dove" is amazing !
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I'm with Mikey, I am really worried what the future brings with Trump.
I truely don't know if HC will be a good president but, at the moment its a case of anyone but Trump. But we have to ask why some Americans actually trust him to run the country ?
Presidents are surrounded by powerful advisors who keep them on the straight and narrow. Don't worry about Trump.
To be honest (I've typed this twice already ....ED!!!) I have worried about Clinton for some time, but I also feel more and more that Trump is 'sound and fury signifying nothing'. He will be held in check by the 'establishment', I am sure. I have a feeling that Clinton is becoming unelectable. We shall see.

At least Trump would probably push for a trade deal with us.:)
I'm sure Hilary has had plenty of Get Well Soon cards bought from Clintons.

She'll get pulled round (Sqad's earlier analysis convinced me) :)

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