All dissention must be ruthlessly put down. The EU is a shambles and the amusing thing is that they seem to believe that the UK must bend over backwards to maintain access to its markets and institutions. It is a declining dinosaur which faces (and seems unable to deal with) huge problems, many of which it has created itself by its absolutely ridiculous policies. It will perhaps (though I could not be certain) one day dawn on them that, although they believe they are in the driving seat, they are in a fifty year old car that is rusting away and heading for the knackers' yard.
"Hungary is not far away from issuing orders to open fire on refugees," he suggested.
The way the migrant crisis is facing up, that may not be too far from necessity. In Calais and the surrounding areas illegal immigrants are becoming increasingly violent in their quest to reach the UK. Cars are having large objects thrown at them from bridges, lorries are having trees felled before them. It is no longer a matter of “if” but rather “when” somebody gets killed. Opening fire on them may be the only way to prevent the mayhem escalating still further.
Quite frankly Hungary would be better off out. The advantages it has from EU membership are completely overwhelmed by their having to accede to EU rules which are causing huge problems. Best for them to leave, join the UK in any trading arrangements it would like to take part in and start taking control of its own affairs. I still laugh at the Euromaniacs whenever I see things like this. They threaten expulsion as if it is some sort of Sword of Damocles to hang over a nation’s head. In fact it is the best thing that could happen to any member nation.