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Syria Conflict: Us 'outraged' Over Aid Convoy Attack

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mikey4444 | 09:24 Tue 20th Sep 2016 | News
30 Answers

Why was this aid convoy attacked ? It was obvious that it was an aid convoy and now Red Crescent workers have been killed.

What price the word Assad or Putin now....the same Putin that an awful lot of people were lauding only 24 hours ago ?


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I was prepared to give Putin the benefit of the doubt over this, mikey, thinking that Assad is the one who's been committing genocide in Syria for 5 years, so par for the course.
But it seems that it was indeed Russian planes.
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Yet another violation of the cease fire ::::

Ichkeria...there are plenty of people on AB that will continue to give tacit support to Putin, no matter what evidenceis produced to the contrary !
^And he's still at it!! Jeepers creepers!!
Depends what propoganda one believes but we do know Obama is innocent, coz he was busy defending the Hillary campaign.
That link refers to the accidental strike on Syrian troops Tamborine by US planes. Which was an idiotic blunder that they have admitted, and certainly did not help the situation. But I was referring to the attack on the UN aid convoy.

It is honestly hard to see what is gained by such an attack. Of course the accusations will be waved away by the culprits, but why do it in the first place?
"^And he's still at it!! Jeepers creepers!! "

I assume you are condemning mikey. Which, let's be fair is a bit like having a go at a pickpocket at the scene of the Twin Towers atrocity :-)
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Tambo....I think its immaterial who is to blame for these two air attacks.

It can only have been done by the Syrians or the Russians and both signed up to a cease-fire only a few days ago. Its bloody disgraceful.
It was two Russian Sukhoi fighters mikey.
Like I say, I do not understand the reasoning. Maybe they weren't wearing their glasses, or maybe they just don;t care who they hit
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Ichkeria....its obvious that Assad and Putin couldn't give a moneys one way of the other, as they have both been getting away with things like this for ages....years in the case of Assad .....and still we hold talks with him.
One effect of course is that it's stopped the aid convoys.

Simple and bloody effective :-(

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