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Enemies Of The People? I'd Say So.

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ToraToraTora | 11:39 Sat 05th Nov 2016 | News
172 Answers
Don't these pro EU Liberal judges realise what they have done? Perhaps if they came down out of their ivory towers occasionally and visited their country they'd realise the fury they have caused.


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Jim, I’m not trying to subvert anything. The people who brought this before the courts are doing that. Pretty much convinced of a ‘Remain’ result, Parliament elected, in not insubstantial numbers, in favour of offering the public a referendum. However, the result was not as they expected. How convenient it would have been for them to say, “See how...
13:03 Sat 05th Nov 2016
David Greene isn't a parliamentarian, though. Do your research Naomi.
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mikey: "This debate is now retreating into childish nonsense, so I am leaving now !" - no it's been robust and constructive in general, if you are finding it too difficult I understand. Have a nice lay down eh?
Jim, is he not a member of parliament who thinks he's entitled to have a say in this? I assumed he was.
No. No he's not.
//Could the moral justification for the court case be that the majority of the electorate did not vote for Brexit? //

there was a vote, the question effectively a simple yes or no. the result was a simple majority, the referendum act did not call for a qualifying percentage. the turnout was 72.2% of all eligible to vote. (electoral commission figures)

there's no way of knowing the thoughts of the 27.8% of the electorate who chose not to vote, I'm not sure of the basis of your claim that they would be against "brexit" - was remain the assumed default position?
Jim, my mistake. I've had a quick google and it appears he's the lawyer involved in this. In that case I fail to understand what legal rights he thinks he's being denied. He doesn't have a vote in parliament.
The right to trust government to act in accordance with the constitution/law?
In that case, Naomi, perhaps you should go ahead and read the legal judgement? It explains the affected rights in question there.
At no point did I say that the majority of the electorate voted to remain, I am saying that it is wrong to say the majority of the electorate voted to leave. Since you are keen to point out that no threshold was stated in legislation, neither was there a clear statement that the result was binding as there was in the referendum on voting reforms.
The judges have, I would hope, made their decision based of facts and points of law and parliamentary rules.

If it is based on mere interpretation based on their own feelings of Bretix or Remain then the huha can begin in earnest.

Perhaps there should be an even mix of opinions on the review panel?
Jim, perhaps you'll tell me what his legal rights are with regard to a parliamentary vote?
Agree in part, cassa, although the judgement was not directly about Brexit - it was about whether the constitution can be overridden without parliamentary approval
I thought this had been answered a few times, Naomi.
It would be ironic if the government ends up taking this to the European Court of Justice. i hope Theresa can sort it though
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TCL you are playing semantics with figures. You cannot make assumptions about those that chose not to vote.
fiction-factory, // I thought this had been answered a few times, Naomi. //

If it has I haven't seen it. Perhaps you'll explain what his legal rights are with regard to a parliamentary vote?
I gave one answer earlier. Jim has pointed you to a fuller answer. The constitutional aspects have been covered numerous times in this thread.
fiction-factory, where is your answer? Point me in its direction.
^^^up there somewhere. Actually if you start again and read all the posts again the answer should be clear
fiction-factory, I'm not trailing through all the posts. I've no doubt that if you could offer an answer, you'd have no hesitation in doing so - again - or at least in telling me where to find it.
Reminds me of when the kids at school keep saying "don't get it "before they've even read the question or tried to think it through.
12:40 for starters. then jim's post if you look at his link

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