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Do Lbour Have Any Idea On How To Negotiate?

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youngmafbog | 14:00 Mon 07th Nov 2016 | News
24 Answers
I would love to be selling this man a load of second hanb motors.

What a spanner.


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Then one side reconsiders, or agreement is not reached and the two parties part ways to negotiate with more reasonable potential trading partners.
It's not like buying a car, though, ymb, because countries are not individuals. A whole country of people have to plan their lives around the direction this government is steering us, and some vague suggestion of what it is they want out of our negotiations. Don't forget this whole thing was supposed to be about "The People" - you can't have your cake and eat it.

I also want to speculate if Remain had won the referendum and the government had chosen to interpret that result as "hard remain" - i.e. introducing the Euro, putting road signs in foreign languages, etc. - if you'd be quite so cavalier about holding the government accountable. Especially if they were doing things like trying to overturn court judgements and keep the issue out of parliament.
Freedom of movement is OK. Unrestricted freedom of movement is not.
We have no idea, and will not be told until late March 2017 (if we are lucky), whether Freedom of movement is on the table.

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