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Muslims Forced-To-Leave Christmas-Market.....

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trt | 16:12 Sun 04th Dec 2016 | News
141 Answers
Why the fuss, you couldn't have a Christmas/Religious stall at a market in Saudi Arabia!


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Their stall has no place at a Christmas market, as others have said, and I do not want to learn about islam anyway, thank you very much !
hereIam - I have no desire to learn about Jehovah's Witnesses, but they have a stall in my town's Christmas market.

What about a little religious tolerance, such as Jesus preached - Christmas and all that, and if you don't believe in God, as I don't just walk past the stall and onto the next which may interest you more.

///What about a little religious tolerance, such as Jesus preached/// being shown by those of the Muslim faith, that would make a nice change.
If the organisers of the Christmas market of the nations in Rüdesheim 2016, had guidelines on the types of stall allowed they could have politely declined this booking and pre empted any fuss.

The most worrying aspect as I said earlier was the stallholder was moved on for fears of the locals protests turning violent.

Some restraint surely is called for, we all see things we don't care for on our daily travels sometimes - I have never felt inclined to kick up a fuss about them.
Baldric - their version of Jesus apparently doesn't do tolerance, as regular Isalmophobes point out on here on a seriously tedious daily basis.

People can't castigate them every five minutes for following a dreadful example like Mohamed, and then moan at their lack of tolerance.

You can't have it both ways!
I'm surprised to see so many ABers who are usually very keen (and rightly) to object to outrage culture and constant offense-taking who are apparently comfortable with this.

The issue is not whether this stall was incongruous or unfitting for a Christmas market. That is, frankly, a matter of opinion - and a robustly stated opinion like New Judge's is still not much more than an opinion. The issue is whether the people who set up this stall registered that they were going to do it beforehand, followed the correct procedures, and had a right to be there.

If they did - nobody has any right to ask them to leave, provided they aren't doing anything indecent or illegal.

If they didn't - they should not have been there in the first place.

I can see no evidence that the latter is true. And I would venture that if it were true, we'd know about it.
Wouldn't be bothered about a Jehovah's Witness stall in the least.
>A stall promoting Islam has no place in a Christmas market. Good decision

I am not sure it has been established that it was the organisers who persuaded/forced them to leave. Does anyone know whether the organisers had approved the stall and taken the stallholder's money. If they had then it was not for residents to take matters into their own hands. If the stallholders were causing a nuisance or breaking the law then there are proper channels for dealing with that.
Nor me hereIam, but then I wouldn't be bothered about a Muslim stall either.

Frankly they could set up a 'Satan And The Nine Circles Of Hell' stall for me - I really wouldn't take any notice of any of them - and that is the crux of the point.

Maybe people are just looking a little too hard for something to get het up about.
As I have already stated, I WOULD be bothered about a muslim stall and that is my last word on the subject ...

Not in the least bit het up.
hereIam - fair enough, we can agree to differ.

I was not referring to you directly about being 'het up' - rather the German citizens who feel so paranoid that they need to have a legitimate stall closed down.

If Islam really were that powerful an influence, we would all have been subjugated years ago, but they are not, which is why we are not.
//If the stallholders were causing a nuisance //

The proper channels are not taking steps to contain the "nuisance" though are they? We are seeing an increase in "nuisance" behaviour throughout Europe and the UK with precious little being done to address the wanton behaviour of our exciting new additions to Western civilisation. When the indigenous people finally say enough, this is not what your multiculturalism propaganda had written on the tin, they of course are pigeon holed with as many insulting epithets that the Liberal elite can conjure up. Woe betide any though who use similar arguments against the rising tide of Muslim self regard.
'The proper channels are not taking steps to contain the "nuisance" though are they?'

The whole thread is about them not being allowed to promote their religion.

Or were you broadening the discussion?
hereIam - fair enough, we can agree to differ.

I was not referring to you directly about being 'het up' - rather the German citizens who feel so paranoid that they need to have a legitimate stall closed down.

You seem to have your finger on the pulse, andy ... when was the last time you spent any amount of time in a German town or city?
I don't think one needs to go to Germany, talbot, to comment on this. The same would apply if the incident had happened here- which it could easily do given the intolerance we see from some.
Germans who are concerned about migrants/islam should take the matter up with politicians and vote accordingly at elections- not take matters into their own hands by forcing out those who appear to have been acting within the law and with the approval of the organisers (unless someone knows different).
I don't think one needs to go to Germany, talbot, to comment on this.

No ... but believe me when I say it helps.
andy-hughes, //What about a little religious tolerance, such as Jesus preached //

You've been listening to too many priests. Jesus wasn't keen on foreigners.

//If Islam really were that powerful an influence, we would all have been subjugated years ago, but they are not, which is why we are not. //

You've said similar before and the reasons why Islam has not yet been successful have been explained to you before.
IMO...the gist of this is....they set up at a Christian 'festival',which as we all know is not the 'done' thing for opposing religions who preach dislike/hate of certain other religions! So...again IMO...this was done to shhhh-stir knowing how it would be taken. All just my opinion. However, being a fair minded person myself and going in the direction of the voice of reason...New Judge... I agree wholeheartedly with his views and concise summing up of what this whole thing looks like! I rest my case...if I had one!!

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