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I'm On The Fence With This One......

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ToraToraTora | 15:18 Mon 12th Dec 2016 | News
54 Answers
I think they have a point really I mean we'll all have a hundred weight of food etc so there's no actual need for the shops to be open but on the other hand I don't think we should be telling the shops when they can open, tricky one!


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Yep. Just giving lip service to the silly 100,000 signatures triggering a debate scenario.
"MP Helen Jones will lead the debate in Westminster Hall. It will not involve a vote so cannot enforce a change in the law' "

Exactly, Gromit. As I said earlier, an absolute waste of three hours of Commons time which could be spent more beneficially. The nonsensical "people's petition" rubbish should be discontinued forthwith.
My cousin works for Harrods , Christmas is terrible for staff . Extra Long opening hours all of December 7 days a week, then just one day off and back at work by 8am Boxing day ready for 9am opening.
He lives on his own in London and does not own a car ( no point as parking is impossible and there are trains busses and tube) He can never visit his family at Christmas as there are no train to get him home for Boxing day morning.
Anyway, what's the point of a debate if you don't have a vote?
Most employers will give time +1/3 or day of in later in year (or used to be) is it compulsory ?
Eddie, you seem to think it's wrong for your cousin to have to work but you want train and bus drivers to work so that your cousin can visit his family. How does that work?
Well, I suppose that if you wish to work at Harrod's of Knightsbridge you must be prepared to take the rough with the smooth.
I can recall when most shops didn't open on Sunday, and it wasn't that long ago. I can also recall when John Lewis didn't open on Monday !

I can remember when the shops opened on Easter Saturday, but shut on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. How much longer will it be until all shops open on Xmas Day ?....its the only day in the year when they they don't.

I would think that this new issue of Boxing Day has zero chance of becoming law, but its got to be worth a debate in the HOC I suppose.
I remember half-day closing.
Eddie....there is a whole world of difference between driving a bus or train, and working in a shop, Harrods or not. Nobody has to shop on a Boxing Day, but they have to get to hospital, see relatives, etc.
Why are people feeling bad for retail workers. What about nurses/doctors/firefighters etc...
Boxing Day is traditionally the day I go shopping for remaindered Xmas cards to use 364 days later, so this would hit me hard.
I don't think it is wrong, I just think it is a shame that shop staff are forced to work. If you are a train driver you know when you take the job what hours/days are involved. When he started at Harrods the shop was closed Boxing day just like all the others ( apart from convenience shops)
Harrods won't even let you book Boxing day as a holiday now, up to a few years back he could book it as holiday.
Not really a fan of a consumerist society, so won't be going shopping, but will be going to the football.
Having said that, I will be working Christmas Day again at our local hospital.
ummmm, doctors, nurses,police, firefighters have always been 24/7/365 jobs. You know that when you join.Shop staff have only recently been forced to work Boxing day.
Well said Eddie ! ..... .making people work on Boxing Day is all about the greedy shop owners wanting even more profit.

For many years I worked on Xmas Day, Boxing Day, and every other B/H of the year, in my capacity in BT. And got paid handsomely for so doing.

What wages can shop workers expect to get paid for working on Boxing Day, or any other B/H ?
I remember as a student working in factories during the vacations. Overtime was time and a half and Sundays were double time. Nice little earner in those days.

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