I thought I would pop in on this quiet day to say thanks to everyone for remaining a delight to serve. While everyone falls out from time to time, and we all have our disagreements, the site continues to be a pleasure to spend my time on.
Thanks for all the amusing report message, yes, they do make the job of removing things a little less frustrating.
Thanks for not setting the entire news section on fire during the recent elections, it was appreciated.
Thanks for the very kind missive and reminders for me to do my job - for the quizzes and puzzles round up, for example.
and thanks for your patience on the new site launch, it will be live early next year, we've just had a few problems here finding the development time!
There's more to be thankful for of course, and there will be more in the future.
I'll be on and off the during the festive period - we'll try and consolidate Christmas wishes into a megathread somewhere I hope, and get us all together for wishing in the new year.
To you all at the AB Office, the site is going from strength to strength, thank you for the good work you all put in, very much appreciated, a Merry Christmas to you all & your families, & a very good 2017.TWR