Quizzes & Puzzles8 mins ago
Marks & Spencer Muslim Staff Can Refuse-To Serve
you, if you are buying Pork or Alcohol.
Well that's another store off my list.
http:// www.tel egraph. co.uk/f inance/ newsbys ector/r etailan dconsum er/1053 2782/Mu slim-st aff-at- Marks-a nd-Spen cer-can -refuse -to-sel l-alcoh ol-and- pork.ht ml
Well that's another store off my list.
JD, I'm guessing that your vision of a typical muslim working the tills of Marks and Sparks is something like this:
http:// f3magaz ine.uni cri.it/ wp-cont ent/upl oads/02 0515_Al _Khansa a.jpg
...perhaps also wearing a huge rucksack?
...perhaps also wearing a huge rucksack?
Have I got to look at all the tills and weigh up who will possibly serve me and who will throw a fit?
Wel, Talbot, l as I'm only aware of one dreadful incident (the one the Mail exposed where someone was delayed a few minutes in Tesco) in the last few years I think the chances are very slim indeed, but if you want to reduce the risk then it might be worth being selective with which till you go to (make sure they are old enough too) or which store you shop at, or you can shop online
Wel, Talbot, l as I'm only aware of one dreadful incident (the one the Mail exposed where someone was delayed a few minutes in Tesco) in the last few years I think the chances are very slim indeed, but if you want to reduce the risk then it might be worth being selective with which till you go to (make sure they are old enough too) or which store you shop at, or you can shop online
>So, a Catholic check out operator should be able to refuse to serve a customer who has a pack of condoms for religious reasons? or a Hindu can refuse to sell and scan beef and on it goes. People like this, they should move to a country that can accommodate them.
No, but they can ask their employer and the employer can make alternative arrangements if they think it is in their interests to do so. I would be wary as an employer about making concessions but employers are often pretty good about accommodating different requests/needs- eg childcare responsibilities, disabilities, being under age for sellling alcohol, etc.
If you want to see an employer's HR policy before you shop you can ask for one- or check with trt's facebook leads
No, but they can ask their employer and the employer can make alternative arrangements if they think it is in their interests to do so. I would be wary as an employer about making concessions but employers are often pretty good about accommodating different requests/needs- eg childcare responsibilities, disabilities, being under age for sellling alcohol, etc.
If you want to see an employer's HR policy before you shop you can ask for one- or check with trt's facebook leads
Good idea ff, just don't employ them if they reply negative to the question if they would mind touching a can,bottle, etc. that contains their forbidden fruits. Or the employer could put a red flashing sign up warning shoppers not to use those tills if one of them is working it. Or maybe they could wear gloves. Then they wouldn't get polluted.
Maybe their 3 year old decision isn't working?:
http:// annualr eport.m arksand spencer .com/M& amp;S_A nnualRe port_20 16_Fina ncials. pdf
fiction-factory, //the employer is at liberty not to appoint them if it decides that on balance it would rather have full flexibility of staff regardless of any other factors //
That's not true. It is illegal to refuse to employ someone on grounds of their religion. As far as I'm aware the only time an employer may refuse to employ someone on religious grounds is if their religious requirements would demonstrably hamper the normal running of the business.
That's not true. It is illegal to refuse to employ someone on grounds of their religion. As far as I'm aware the only time an employer may refuse to employ someone on religious grounds is if their religious requirements would demonstrably hamper the normal running of the business.