mikey; //..lots of people "speak their minds"....what matters is what they are speak about, not that they are speaking in the first place.//
Well, in case you missed it, Nigel Farage spoke his mind about UK sovereignty to both the nation and the unelected Eurocrats driving the EU ever towards a federalism which few wanted and nobody voted for - is that the system you want? He pursued that view fearlessly, and was instrumental in making the government have a referendum in which the majority of Britain joined him and won without him even having a parliamentary seat, perhaps you would have preferred the democratic vote not to have taken place, is that so?
It is not difficult to see why the majority of the British public like Nigel Farage, he is pugnacious, aggressive, humorous, irreverent, boozy and more larger than life than the time -serving stuffed shirts we see every day on our screens.
in fact, he embodies many popular British characteristics and prejudices which come as such a relief from third-rate politicians and the celebrity culture which surounds us every day, and which it would appear you support.