Quizzes & Puzzles16 mins ago
Trump And The Truth
Trump estimated that the crowds at his inauguration were between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 - in an area that holds a maximum of 720,000.
http:// www.ind ependen t.co.uk /news/w orld/am ericas/ preside nt-dona ld-trum p-press -secret ary-att acks-me dia-ina ugurati on-atte ndance- sean-sp icer-a7 539776. html
What do you think, looking at the picture in the report?
What do you think, looking at the picture in the report?
It is not about crowd numbers as such but the reporting of the numbers based upon photographs taken at the time. No-one cares about the colour of Trump's tie but if photos show it is red and his team insists it is blue and everyone else is a liar, questions would be asked.
11:10 Sun 22nd Jan 2017
"Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.
Kaylon Johnson, an African American campaign worker for Obama, was physically assaulted for wearing an Obama T-shirt in Louisiana following the 2008 election. The three white male attackers shouted “f*** Obama!” and “N***** president!” as they broke Johnson’s nose and fractured his eye-socket, requiring surgery.
More frequently, Obama’s presidency was marked by effigies of our first black president hanging from nooses across the country, for example in Kentucky, Washington State, and Maine, or being burned around the world. What Trump supporters fail to remember is that following Obama’s election, property was destroyed across the country, for example in Pennsylvania, Texas, and North Carolina, and a predominately black church was torched in Massachusetts.
In 2008, anti-Obama protesters lashed out against minorities because of their discontentment with a black man being voted into the office of president for the first time in our nation’s history. Conversely, in 2016, anti-Trump protesters are holding mostly peaceful demonstrations because of their discontentment with a man, who has ostracized minorities, being voted into the office of president.
And while anti-Trump protesters have engaged in mostly peaceful demonstrations against the president-elect, pro-Trump supporters have been responsible for a wave of attacks against Muslims, Latinos, blacks, and the LGBT community.
According to Mark Potok, senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center civil rights group, there haven’t been “such a rash of hate crimes in the United States since Barack Obama was elected America’s first black president in 2008.” Muslim women are reporting having their hijabs ripped from their heads, while immigrant children are being bullied. Trump’s name and slogan, “Make America Great Again,” are being found alongside swastikas and anti-minority messages in graffiti around the nation.'
I censored two words in the report.
Kaylon Johnson, an African American campaign worker for Obama, was physically assaulted for wearing an Obama T-shirt in Louisiana following the 2008 election. The three white male attackers shouted “f*** Obama!” and “N***** president!” as they broke Johnson’s nose and fractured his eye-socket, requiring surgery.
More frequently, Obama’s presidency was marked by effigies of our first black president hanging from nooses across the country, for example in Kentucky, Washington State, and Maine, or being burned around the world. What Trump supporters fail to remember is that following Obama’s election, property was destroyed across the country, for example in Pennsylvania, Texas, and North Carolina, and a predominately black church was torched in Massachusetts.
In 2008, anti-Obama protesters lashed out against minorities because of their discontentment with a black man being voted into the office of president for the first time in our nation’s history. Conversely, in 2016, anti-Trump protesters are holding mostly peaceful demonstrations because of their discontentment with a man, who has ostracized minorities, being voted into the office of president.
And while anti-Trump protesters have engaged in mostly peaceful demonstrations against the president-elect, pro-Trump supporters have been responsible for a wave of attacks against Muslims, Latinos, blacks, and the LGBT community.
According to Mark Potok, senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center civil rights group, there haven’t been “such a rash of hate crimes in the United States since Barack Obama was elected America’s first black president in 2008.” Muslim women are reporting having their hijabs ripped from their heads, while immigrant children are being bullied. Trump’s name and slogan, “Make America Great Again,” are being found alongside swastikas and anti-minority messages in graffiti around the nation.'
I censored two words in the report.
//Correction, America's first mixed race president.// No
Even Abraham Lincoln (among others) wasn't 'white'
https:/ /fookem bug.wor dpress. com/200 8/12/01 /the-se ven-bla ck-pres idents- before- barack- obama/
Even Abraham Lincoln (among others) wasn't 'white'
I'm not really interested in how many attended, but tonight, the BBC (and maybe other channels) showed pictures purporting to show expanses of empty spaces during the inauguration which were in fact images taken after the event and people had left the assembly. This is 'fake news' of the worst kind and demonstrates, as with Brexit, the BBC isn't a 'news' channel, but a biased, liberal left propaganda tool.