People get slaughtered all over the world every day in the name of religion. Any strife caused by religion needs to be ignored as it is simply too widespread to worry about and many of the participants too fanatical to reason with (by their very nature, religions are generally irreconcilable with logic).
There will never be a balanced view on the relative persecution of different religious groups and in any case it doesn’t really matter. The UK government should concentrate on matters which effect the UK electorate. If and when they have sorted all those out then they may give some of their attention to the plight of foreigners caught up in religious strife.
The public are entitled to be obsessed with Brexit. Now the decision has seemingly been made that it will happen, swift action is needed to see it through. Prevarication leads to uncertainty, which does nobody any good. Unfortunately our politicians thrive on prevarication. It's the only thing they are any good - delaying a decision. They see taking swift decisions in the same vein as chopping off their right arms.
Meanwhile Prince Charles can think and do whatever he likes.