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ToraToraTora | 14:44 Wed 01st Mar 2017 | News
36 Answers
From the age of 4? Why are the powers that be so determined to sexualise children?


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Mamy...I know! I know! but it has been for as long as i can remember and it is not getting less............more if anything.
Teen pregnancy rate is falling in the UK - 55 per 1000 15-17 year olds in 1971; 23 in 2014, so something IS working.

hc.......presumably they are the ones that come to term...have babies.


"Over 60% of the conceptions led to a legal abortion,[3] the highest proportion since conception statistics began in 1969. Other studies have shown similar findings.[4]"

So those going to term are less, but abortions are sky one could assume that pregnancy rates haven't fallen.
sqad, direct quote from the link - conceptions, not births.

There were about 23 conceptions per 1,000 15 to 17-year-old girls in 2014, compared to a high of 55 in 1971, the Office of National Statistics said.
Thanks hc.....yes you are right, but how can one count conceptions......e.g how does one know how many miscarriages,how many abortions legal or illegal and this in an era of contraception and sex advice.
Gut reaction does not support ONS least, not my gut.
hi, my daughter is four, and when she started schooli had a convo with her about her body and how she doesn't have to let people touch her and that some bad people might. I did it because she is going to be coming into contact with brothers and father's of friends and men at school when she is out of my control and view. I think this is the same
That sounds very sensible, bednobs; and just the sort of thing this new initiative ought to strive to achieve.
All education should be age appropriate.

From the link

///Children will also be taught, at an appropriate age, about sex. But parents will still have the right to withdraw their children from these classes.
In primary schools, the focus would be on building healthy relationships and staying safe, the Department for Education (DfE) said, while in secondary school it would focus on sex as well as relationships///

Four year olds will not be taught sex education.
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Not what the Op said @ 15.30.
I think that the reason for teenage and 'no partner' pregnancies is due to the fact that for females in the UK getting pregnant is an alternative option to working for a living. A girl has a child and therefore becomes entitled to social housing and benefits. She would have no hope at all of earning enough to buy a house and private rents are unaffordable as well. The answer is to get pregnant and have a few children = free house and a life on benefit.
Well sex education left until secondary school was always clearly too late.
But there ought to be next to no sex in the education at age 4.
My eleven year old niece who’s just started secondary school is receiving sex education lessons, the content of which is unprintable here. It shocks her parents and it shocks me.
what on earth would 11 yo be being taught that would be unprintable here?

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