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Better Get The Wode Paint Oot And Give Mel A Ring!

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ToraToraTora | 14:36 Wed 15th Mar 2017 | News
8 Answers
I can just see the wee un waving a Claymore aboot!


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The Scottish just need to accept that either way they are leaving the EU. They cannot overrule the democratic decision of the larger part of Britain and scupper Brexit.

So, if they want Independence fine, lets get it going right now and be done with it. That way both Countries can move on without any more whining.
fighting talk on Mrs May's part, wonder what La Sturgeon will make of it all.
When the Mexican/American wall is built, perhaps we can have the left overs Mr President so as to repair back to it's original condition, Hadrian's Wall?
Yep, better get some Poles in to help build it.

Labour should be happy too, they are always banging on about more infrastructure projects.
May isn't telling the Scots anything they don't already know. Everyone accepts that an Independent country of Scotland would have to re-apply on their own.

Of course the EU might deny their request. Other than pizzing off the Spanish who are worried about their own devolved regions going independent, it is not obvious why they would shut the door on Scotland.
good on you Theresa !
...except it's woad!
// And Give Mel A Ring! //

She's fighting the Tories, not the Jews.

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