I personally think that was absolutely the right decision and that age of consent laws need drastically overhauling. Any Friday or Saturday night you can see literally dozens of 12 and 13 year olds out on the town for the sole reason of getting drunk and / or having sex. As most 12 year old boys don't look that attractive they are usually after older men in their 20's. There is no suggestion that this girl was anything other than willing and there is a massive difference between rape, child grooming and a predatory female teenager who is out at 3-00am actively looking for sex. As it stands anyone over the age of 13 is deemed to be capable although sex with them is still unlawful until 16, but a charge of rape would not be pursued if she was consenting. The fact this girl was 12 tied everyone's hands and a charge of rape had to be pursued. ID wouldn't help, you can buy that for a tenner, quite adequate to get you into clubs etc, so I've no idea what you can do about it, other than get to know people before you have sex with them perhaps?