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Nice Gester But Where Are The Men?

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anotheoldgit | 08:42 Mon 27th Mar 2017 | News
154 Answers

In fact one could say where are the Muslims, since these ladies are Ahmadiyya Muslims, which are not classed as real Muslims by many mainstream Muslims.


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because the men seldom demonstrate as per these women, if more did i would have respect them an awful lot more.
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Some days you can't do right for doing wrong.
Oh how I wish some contributers would remember that old saying..."if you can't say anything nice...". You know what I mean...

Clearly I disagree.......will the non Muslim community really be taken in by this...NO.

Surely you are not suggesting that the millions who haven't turned up for this "on the spot show of concern" don't have sympathy for those that lost their lives.

This probably has focused thoughts on Muslim atrocities MORE, than if they had stayed at home.

But again...why no men?
The muslim population keep telling us they are against violence. The men turn out in thousands when they consider they have been slighted but are conspicuous by their absence on an occasion when their presence would have demonstrated they are truly against violence.
Perhaps the men are frightened.
Sqad. How do you know what would or not give solace to the widow whose husband was murdered ? Of is it " just a guess )? is not a guess.....may not be fact.....but just my opinion based on how i would feel if my wife had been killed by an apparently peaceful religion.
There has been rallies and vigils like this in many cities and towns across the country but they don't get the publicity
hc.....fair point.
“Emmie, why are you bothered where the men are ?”

I shouldn’t imagine she bothered (as I am not). It’s just an interesting question. One of the defining features of the Islamic faith is its apartheid by gender. However, we must not be too surprised at the all-female cast list as apparently the ladies were taking part in something called the “Women’s March on London”.

However, as aog says, the Ahmadiyya (if indeed that is what these ladies are, but who would know) are not considered “proper” Muslims. If for no other reason they believe that a second prophet came after Mohammed. True to form, even this branch of Islam involves conflict. Apparently there are two branches of it, one of which is slightly less un-Islamic than the other. As a result apparently one branch suffers slightly less persecution than the other. And I’m supposed to take this seriously.
The rally in Birmingham was estimated at 200 people, compare that with the rally against the Charlie Hebdo cartoons.
Indeed HC. Those demonstrations won't make it to AB though .?
there are Muslims who disagree with other Muslims?

I'm shocked. I had always understood from posts on AB that Muslims were a monolithic bloc, programmed from birth to think and do the same things, mostly to do with mass murder.

Now I'm told they aren't? My poor brain is reeling.
/Where are the men/
Well as the march was organised by Women's March On London men would look a little daft turning up.
Why cannot it not be accepted as the peaceful gesture it was designed to be. Why do you always have to be so negative about them?
Islay, couldn't the men have organised something?
Jno, just because they slaughter each other with the same enthusiasm they bring to murdering non-muslims doesn't make them nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize. (bad example, I know, because they hand that out to any cretin nowadays)
Oh, and you might want to dial that sarcasm back a bit, you're crap at it.
Vulcan and if they had it would have been screamed on here why are they not at work!!

they are damned if they do and damned if they don't!!
>## So...the OP asked....." Where ARE the men?" which in my opinion has still not been answered. "
Probably some of them are in Mosques, planning the next attack!

Were you there trt?

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