I am reluctantly adding to this post as there is already a post going where i have made my opinions felt.
So these comments may be of some help.
When you are in pain....you need a painkiller.
The choice is between Paracetamol which is not a non steroidal anti-inflamatory( Nsaid) and a Nsaid e.g ibuprofen.
If your pain is due to problems in a joint then Ibuprofen is better as we are dealing with inflammation, but if your pain is just a headache, then paracetamol is the drug of choice. You choice the drug that eases you pain.
The study showed that patients taking large doses of ibuprofen for more than a week had a 1% chance of heart problems, although it couldn't positively be established that the ibuprofen was the cause.
Studies have shown that patients being treated for high BP can take Ibuprofen as it does not raise the BP.
As for patients who are not being treated for high BP then, depending which study you prefer, there may well be a slight rise in BP.
So the choice is yours.