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Mcr Attack....

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10ClarionSt | 11:36 Tue 23rd May 2017 | News
248 Answers
....The usual cobblers from Theresa May. Not just her. We get this all the time. They won't, disrupt us/attack on democracy/we are stronger/we will move forward/security working hard etc etc. You will never stop someone who wants to kill his or herself. No matter how they want to do it. People are talking about the goodness in Muslims, e.g. the taxi drivers last night(were they all Muslims?), medical staff, security staff etc. but I would bet the suicide bomber wasn't a white person. We keep hearing all this guff about Muslims but the fact is (and it IS a fact) that all these terror attacks are perpetrated by Muslims. Don't dress it up. Don't try and be weedy and feeble about how nice they are. Somewhere inside the Muslim community there is a poisonous element who want to murder British people. Fact. But don't mention it to anyone. We don't want to upset them do we?


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Well now, emotions running high this evening. Lynn obviously felt very strongly about the situation, as do many here. It would appear she has paid a price for that. Others would contend she is wrong and hasn't read any body else's view. Not altogether sure why she should tbph, she posted her view.

By a similar standard would most people here accuse another of being racist without reading all he had to say? He was a man with vision.

Worth a read and some contemplation.

There is posting your view and there is being personally rude and thereby breaking Site Rules.

The two are different.

I have read that, Choux more than once.....but just to say it was the insults that caused Lyn to have a rest I should think....opinions fine....insults best whispered not posted........x
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Often see rudeness on here but not all get suspended. I wondered if some mods show preferences.

It was said on the news that they would only raise the threat level were there to be intelligence of another imminent attack. I hope to God they're wrong.
Yeah Douglas far too many English these days ;-)
my conclusion is that there is a bomb-maker on the loose.
Taken from the link that I posted.

"This means that their assessment is not only that an attack remains highly likely but that a further attack may be imminent."
I don't wish to drag this out too much but Lynn's insults have been scattered through this afternoon/evening - a fair few removed.

I'll leave it there, if anyone thinks unfair action has been applied here , contact the Editor.
So do I, Zacs....I'm going to a large music festival this week.....but that's my decision.....

If we stop doing these things they are winning....but when they are killing our children we have to think differently, don't we......and they won't be slow in seeing that..... :-(
Mine too DT. Possibly as a result of inquiries / leads from those arrested today.
yeah mama the top level is
'attack believed imminent'

a bit late huh ? presumably it is a 'something must be done' action
we are also getting armed soldiers on the streets
altho they dont usually do police duties [ coz you kinda join the army to kill people innit ?]

Gness, yes there's the potential for this to be a bit of a watershed moment but I hope not. Easy to say 'be strong and carry on' when you're not directly affected.
Phew, what a relief to know that Lynn was not suspended for her view.
I shall find something nicer to do, cat litter tray needs attention.

I pray the injured are out of danger and can start their recoveries.
Watershed's the word in my mind, Zacs......

I will go to my festival in a major city...too true I will....but if it was one of my kids or grandkids I'd be worried sick and wishing they wouldn't.....and that is the beginning of how they want us to feel and behave.... x
Wasn't Lynn meant to be one of the fresh younger people that the new layout was meant to attract? I am sure she is a lot younger than most who make the "bank" their sole social outlet. Perhaps she has the wrong profile, or is not yet wise to the ways of hiding her feelings with the sly ways of making her point, without arousing the ever ready to be offended shrinking violets. Must also point out that it was indeed the "fairer sex" who organised the pecking party. Proud of you all. Interpretations are readily available at w w w dot seethecant. ownlea. eardot con.
Oh do your research, Togo.
Having watched the "solidarity" and "we shall not be overcome" type, hand-wringing, canting bull -excrement, in Paris, Berlin, Nice, Westminster bridge and now Manchester, how much more do the apologists want? When does the fight-back start?
Lighting a candle in Albert Square will do as much good as sticking it up your ....

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