Below is an example of why so many people in this country are disgusted and ashamed of our so called immigration policy.
At one time we DID have a great country. Living in England was something to be proud of. BEING English was something to be proud of.
But then we began to let in anyone and everyone. Little check was made on if these people coming would be a benefit to this country, we just let them in (or did little to stop them coming in) and now we are suffering as a result.
Look at the two people in this report. What on earth are they doing in this country. why on earth did we let them (or their parents) in.
They seem only one step up from animals living in the jungle (worse in fact). And the suffering of that poor child makes you want to cry.
THIS is why so many of us get annoyed at our immigration "policy" of the last 30 or 40 years.
I blame ALL political parties here, not just Labour, or Tories, or Lib Dems (plus all the other parties) because those in power, and those NOT in power, have never stood up and said what we are doing was a mistake.
And anyone who did raise it as an issue was called a racist. Only in the last couple of years has it become an issue that we can talk about.
Sadly we now have millions in this country who should not be here, and we are stuck with them.
Not only the terrorists, but the drug dealers, the benefit fraudsters, the pick pockets, the child murderers (like these two) and so on.
What COULD have been a great country is now a dumping ground for the scum of the world.
And I find it very sad.