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Revenge Of The Young

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sp1814 | 17:27 Fri 09th Jun 2017 | News
32 Answers
It's being bandied about on the evening news (about ten minutes ago), that this shock hung parliament is down to young people voting 'against Brexit', to make up for the fact that they couldn't get their act together last year.

Do you think there's any truth in that?

I ask, because all (literally ALL) the twenty-somethings I've talked to at work today have said that this was the primary factor in their voting.


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I assumed they'd voted for free university education. Their parents too.
I think that's very true SP, I come from a very political family both on the Mainland and in the North of Ireland so voted last year against Brexit as a matter of course. I don't think however that a lot of people my age actually were that engaged, I think they just assumed it was such a ridiculous thing to do that they didn't have to do anything to oppose it, and when it did happen were absolutely devastated, so I think they're more or less resolved to not let that happen again.
Yes, I do think there's truth in it.
//I come from a very political family both on the Mainland and in the North of Ireland so voted last year against Brexit as a matter of course.//

Who'd have guessed? (^_*)
Oh and that's a bad thing is is TOGO- we know the Tories like the young nice and sheeplike and stupid- but sadly for the Conservatives they've all woken up.
they havet got a clue, they have not lived long enough to have seen governments come and go, let alone economics, to much partying.
it's all free.. just tax big business and were all saved, plenty to go around..surplus for more partying yea, let's all do media studies and art...turn on tune in and let someone else pay.
oh, and mum and dad have big pockets..they waster their money anyway, who needs the boiler repaired, we can live on erm.. their hard earned cash
Do you actually know any young people, Fender?
yea my daughter and all her friends
So, she's spending all your hard earned cash is she?
//sadly for the Conservatives they've all woken up. //

Sounds like kvalidir is planning to lead a revolution. ;o)
"The younger generation seems to have become interested enough in politics to get involved and active. We must continue to disparage and insult them -- that'll totally help win them over to our cause."

//we know the Tories like the young nice and sheeplike and stupid//

Nope we would like you all to go to Grammar schools, where you may learn to think independently, and not be churned out as mindless Marxist clones of a system. Why do you think the left hate Grammar and private schools so much?
It's well-known that all independent thinkers vote Tory.

Tilly2, not a single pence, made her get a job and she's better for it
own's her own home and car...
Well you keep telling us that we only think of ourselves Jim. (^_*)
Jim, it seems you and kvalidir are at odds on this one. She thinks the Tories like the young to be nice and sheeplike and stupid, and here you are assuring us that they’re all independent thinkers.
Well done to your daughter then, Fender. So what about all the 'oh, and mum and dad have big pockets' young people. Do you know any of them, personally?
I thought Jim was being sarcastic. :-)
And kvalidir wasn't, Tilly? Nooooo.... ;o)

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