Editor's Blog0 min ago
Grenfell Tower Manslaughter Charges?
Police are now considering Manslaughter charges ( as I predicted)
https:/ /www.th eguardi an.com/ uk-news /2017/j un/23/g renfell -tower- fire-po lice-co nsideri ng-mans laughte r-charg es
In theory at least could the MP's who voted against the implementation of safety updates be charged ?
If so what happens to them , will they be forced to resign?
https:/ /www.ch annel4. com/new s/factc heck/to ries-ha ve-bloc ked-lab our-leg islatio n-to-im prove-r ented-h omes-bu t-its-c omplica ted
71 Tory landlord MP's voted down rule changes that would have made council owned homes safer from fire!
http:// another angryvo ice.blo gspot.c o.uk/20 17/06/t he-71-t ory-lan dlord-m ps-who- voted-d own.htm l
In theory at least could the MP's who voted against the implementation of safety updates be charged ?
If so what happens to them , will they be forced to resign?
71 Tory landlord MP's voted down rule changes that would have made council owned homes safer from fire!
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I expect bribery and corruption from politicians and building firms etc but how would they get the fire brigade to go along with it? I mean that cladding might as well have been fire lighters. Surely for a building like that to get a certificate the materials would have been tested. where those results ignored? falsified? I do hope the fire inspectors are not bent.
I know for a fact that this did happen in scotland in the late 50s but sadly could not be proven.
Most famous is T Dan SMith in Newcastle in the seventies and WAS proven - Poulson Scandal. One of my gt aunts kinsmen was caught by that - the Home Office Mandarin Pottinger who went to the slammer
Surrounded in my family as I am by bankrupts and back-hand takers - I have to say I am amazed it is even thought about or thought possible fifty years later
Most famous is T Dan SMith in Newcastle in the seventies and WAS proven - Poulson Scandal. One of my gt aunts kinsmen was caught by that - the Home Office Mandarin Pottinger who went to the slammer
Surrounded in my family as I am by bankrupts and back-hand takers - I have to say I am amazed it is even thought about or thought possible fifty years later
Poulson scandal is on wikki:
" Many of his contacts, in particular T. Dan Smith and George Pottinger, were similarly convicted and gaoled, though not the three MPs: it was found that there was a legal loophole through which members of parliament could not be considered as in charge of public funds. "
so well well Mikey is right - MPs CAN be indicted in circumstances such as these......
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/John_ Poulson #D.C3.A 9noueme nt
" Many of his contacts, in particular T. Dan Smith and George Pottinger, were similarly convicted and gaoled, though not the three MPs: it was found that there was a legal loophole through which members of parliament could not be considered as in charge of public funds. "
so well well Mikey is right - MPs CAN be indicted in circumstances such as these......