Crosswords3 mins ago
Human Exodus
when will the eu get a grip on this situation once and for all, europe as we know it will be a thing of the past, i can forsee civil unrest and breakdown in public services housing food etc...collapse
http:// www.exp .uk/new s/world /822522 /eu-mig rant-cr isis-re cord-nu mbers-a ttempt- cross-m ed
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I agree that give it two years or so and we won't have to worry about it so much but then again France may well decide to close their boarder at Calais and let them all through the tunnel.
I would be more worried about the ones who do manage to get here and either disappear into the black market sort of thing or drag up any old baloney to stay when in reality if they get here illegally they should be sent back the way they came.
I agree that give it two years or so and we won't have to worry about it so much but then again France may well decide to close their boarder at Calais and let them all through the tunnel.
I would be more worried about the ones who do manage to get here and either disappear into the black market sort of thing or drag up any old baloney to stay when in reality if they get here illegally they should be sent back the way they came.
All questions like this ignore a MUCH bigger problem, that of world overpopulation.
The Earth has a maximum capacity to support 10 Billion people, due to the area needed to grow food to feed them.
We passed 7 Billion several years ago. It is calculated that we will reach the limit of 10 Billion within 30 years.
As the population increases they need more land area for housing but more land used for housing means less to grow food when actually more food growing land is needed.
The Earth has a maximum capacity to support 10 Billion people, due to the area needed to grow food to feed them.
We passed 7 Billion several years ago. It is calculated that we will reach the limit of 10 Billion within 30 years.
As the population increases they need more land area for housing but more land used for housing means less to grow food when actually more food growing land is needed.
For once I am in total ageement with Eddie, world population has been one of my worries for years but no one in authority seems willing to grasp the problem.
As for the EU fender, surely you know by now this is al part of the liberal elite program to remove nationality. Once sufficient people are around Europe who do not see the country they live in as theirs then it will be easy to make the new county 'Europe' under German rule.
As for the EU fender, surely you know by now this is al part of the liberal elite program to remove nationality. Once sufficient people are around Europe who do not see the country they live in as theirs then it will be easy to make the new county 'Europe' under German rule.
//world population has been one of my worries for years but no one in authority seems willing to grasp the problem.//
The problem is acknowledged, but the difficulty is in addressing it. While people in Third World countries and those dominated by religion fail to understand it we have no hope of addressing it - and we’re going to have a very long wait before they do.
The problem is acknowledged, but the difficulty is in addressing it. While people in Third World countries and those dominated by religion fail to understand it we have no hope of addressing it - and we’re going to have a very long wait before they do.
You only have to look at the crowds of people in the background on the news at the recent situations at Grenfell Tower and Finsbury Mosque to see that we have already allowed much of this country to be swamped with immigrants.
During those news items it was rare to se a "white" person. And as the names of those who have died in Grenfell tower are listed there is hardly an English "Bill Smith" type name listed, it is all Muhammed this and so on.
Years ago if I saw a news item of a classroom full of Asian children I could say it was India or similar country. If I saw a load of people dressed in white "Arab" clothing I could say it was Saudi Arabia or other Arab country. If I saw a large group of black people together I could assume it was South Africa or other African country.
Now when I see that on the news it could easily be a part of London, or Bradford, or Leicester or Birmingham or many other British cities.
As has been said above, the Europe that many of us know and grew up with has gone.
As a follow on from that, I was watching Crimewatch the other day (I don't usually watch it as it upsets me but I caught a bit the other morning).
In one CCTV footage they showed a foreign looking man outside a shop selling drugs. One of the locals approached him and "told him off" for selling drugs. The "drug" man ran in to the shop, picked up a glass bottle (wine?), ran out the shop and hit the other man over the head with it causing major injuries.
In another CCTV clip they showed an older man outside a shop minding his two dogs while his wife was in a shop doing some shopping. Three young Asian men then set about this poor guy for no reason, punching him, kicking him in the head and so on, causing life changing injuries.
THAT is why I hate immigration so much, it has made our country a nasty place in which to live.
During those news items it was rare to se a "white" person. And as the names of those who have died in Grenfell tower are listed there is hardly an English "Bill Smith" type name listed, it is all Muhammed this and so on.
Years ago if I saw a news item of a classroom full of Asian children I could say it was India or similar country. If I saw a load of people dressed in white "Arab" clothing I could say it was Saudi Arabia or other Arab country. If I saw a large group of black people together I could assume it was South Africa or other African country.
Now when I see that on the news it could easily be a part of London, or Bradford, or Leicester or Birmingham or many other British cities.
As has been said above, the Europe that many of us know and grew up with has gone.
As a follow on from that, I was watching Crimewatch the other day (I don't usually watch it as it upsets me but I caught a bit the other morning).
In one CCTV footage they showed a foreign looking man outside a shop selling drugs. One of the locals approached him and "told him off" for selling drugs. The "drug" man ran in to the shop, picked up a glass bottle (wine?), ran out the shop and hit the other man over the head with it causing major injuries.
In another CCTV clip they showed an older man outside a shop minding his two dogs while his wife was in a shop doing some shopping. Three young Asian men then set about this poor guy for no reason, punching him, kicking him in the head and so on, causing life changing injuries.
THAT is why I hate immigration so much, it has made our country a nasty place in which to live.
It would seem that Italy has has enough, and who can blame them?:
http:// news/wo rld-eur ope-404 37917
Notice to all you doubters that is not a Mail or Express report but your good old BBC.
Notice to all you doubters that is not a Mail or Express report but your good old BBC.
These swarms are not refugees, they come mostly from hell hole African countries.
https:/ /ichef. .uk/new s/624/c psprodp b/12FDB /produc tion/_9 4878777 _migran t-route s-624.p ng
-- answer removed --
That's a little harsh it should be for the typical British family of 2 point 4 children.
But according to this, those days of a typical British family are over, mainly due to immigration.
http:// egraph. ews/ukn ews/imm igratio n/11806 379/End -of-2.4 -childr en-as-B ritain- has-big gest-fa milies- in-Euro pe.html
That's a little harsh it should be for the typical British family of 2 point 4 children.
But according to this, those days of a typical British family are over, mainly due to immigration.