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Aristocrat Guilty Over Gina Miller Post

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mikey4444 | 18:00 Tue 11th Jul 2017 | News
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There's a time and a place for hyperbole, and it's massively far away from where this guy was standing.
18:50 Tue 11th Jul 2017
oh well, you get the picture.
You may not agree that he was calling for Millar to be killed but this is what the judge said, '“I had no doubt that the first post was menacing... You were offering money to have her killed.”'

Then why hasn't he been charged with conspiracy to commit murder?
Some of us will, Ludwig....

He didn't say he wanted him killed though, just carved into pieces.....I'm sure there's a difference.... ;-)
The man's obviously got a history of issuing obnoxious statements and incitements thinking he could get away with it under the guise of irony. The fact he defended himself in the trial shows his arrogance.

It reminds me of Anjem Choudhary a bit.
TCL, I'm not sure you can conspire with yourself, somebody else at least has to express interest.

Anyway, he's got 12 weeks for his calls to kill, which doesn't seem a whole lot to me.
There is an incitement to commit an offence but I'm no expert so I don't know if the evidence is there to support a charge.

/// if they killed Gina Miller///

That's not in the Link I have, but never mind, spin away.
BALDRIC, in my 22.41 post, the link shows the judge said, "You were offering money to have her killed.”
It does seem like a light sentence to me.

The Judge said that, it is not a quote from his FB Post,

//"£5,000 for the first person to 'accidentally' run over this bloody troublesome first generation immigrant."//

but never mind, keep spinning.
He got his just deserts. Now perhaps it clears the way "politically" to investigate the vile morons at Reel Polotik and all that relish their bile. Let's hope the scuffers are as eager and diligent in chasing up these reptiles as they were in pinging a buffoon. False hope perhaps seeing as the policemen themselves, contrary to regulations, seem fond of traducing Conservative MPs on line. Meeehh.
BALDRIC I'm not spinning anything, I'm quoting the judge but don't let that get in the road of the facts eh?

Be serious the Judge said Killing, Philipps does not appear to have done so.
He also said, "I will open the bidding. £2,000 in cash for the first person to carve Arnold Sube into pieces. " Might be wrong but is it not a wee bit hard to cut someone into pieces without them ending up dead?

That has no connection to anything said about Gina Miller, but I guess you know that anyway.
He wanted Miller to be run over and another man cut to pieces, does it really matter that he didn't use the word "killed" in his posts?

If this was being 'used in evidence' yes it would matter.

And just for the record I am not defending him, just pointing out inaccuracies in some posts.
Would death not result from someone being cut into pieces?
Once you have done that Baldric ... you are instantly one of the 'Usual Suspects'

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