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Are These The Type Of People Who The More Civilised Are Defined As Racist If They Dare To State That They Are Superior To Them?

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anotheoldgit | 11:03 Wed 19th Jul 2017 | News
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I'm not sure I fully grasp your question, however what from I read this is a murderous vicious gang.

They need catching very quickly.
Whilst your question is somewhat mangled I think I can confidently answer "No".

If someone could decipher the question, I would be grateful, ta.
Well done for understanding the Q, jack.
I'm with Baldric ... clueless.
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
ha ha jim for BA
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I apologise let me explain:

If anyone dares to suggest that our people were more superior to these people, they would be classed as racist.

Racist: A person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

/// Locals fear the eyes of the four victims may have been taken to be sold to witch doctors who use them to create potions for customers. ///

Do we have witch doctors?

/// Residents who called the police on Monday vowed to find the killers and murder them in the same way and quickly tracked down five heavily blood-stained men and interrogated them. ///

/// The gang allegedly confessed and were attacked with one beaten to death and four escaping. ///

I don't think that we carry out such sever sentencing also.
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/// Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? ///

And some dare to question my headline, some answers could do with some interpreting.
I guess it depends on *why* you think you are "superior". It's not too hard to find example of the same sort of thing being done in our own, not too distant, history, so it's clearly nothing innate.
Still a tad confused
Am I right that in a nutshell you are saying white people are superior to black people?

Or is it ... British people are superior to South African people?
I will happily claim superiority over murderers, nothing racist about my assertion.

I think you are just missing the reference, AOG, which I don't think is too surprising as you probably have to live on the internet.
And now AOG appears to be having a Whooooosh moment.
Still doesn't make any sense.
Is it bedtime yet?
Awwwww ... I thought that was all your own work, jim
I'm sure one day I'll come up with an actually original joke/pun/witty repartee, or avoid making a reference to someone else's work. But it is not this day.
It would have been if you had not posted the pesky link
Well, I wouldn't want to take credit for someone else's unintelligible garbage when I have so much of my own already.
Question Author

Eyes gouged out to sell to witch doctors???????????

Now you have got me interested Jim, please be good enough to supply proof where we have carried out such savagery?

In the 21st century that is.

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Are These The Type Of People Who The More Civilised Are Defined As Racist If They Dare To State That They Are Superior To Them?

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