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Two More Nightclub Killings

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Khandro | 13:37 Sun 30th Jul 2017 | News
49 Answers
"Police have ruled out a terrorist motive. A spokesperson told N-TV that the gunman was a 34-year-old Iraqi citizen, but not an asylum seeker."
So that's OK then?


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..dreadful not dreadfull
What volume of deaths through Islamic fundamentalists will get you worrying, FF?
The German Police have clearly been instructed by Obergruppenführer Merkle to deny ANY incident is related to immigration. We have seen this happen countless times only to be later shown it was down to immigration so it is hardly surprising people are sceptical.

If the German rozzers want to do this it would be far better to wait until they had decided what he was (eg mentally ill or a lone wolf whatever that is) rather than discount one rather obvious avenue.
YMB.....there is still no evidence that this is a terror-related incident, unless your know differently?
>What volume of deaths through Islamic fundamentalists will get you worrying, FF?
What a strange question?
One. In fact we've had lots already. Any deaths through murder are worrying.
Yes, odd question. A non-sequiteur again!

Pointless trying to speculate abouta cover up. Will you change your way of life depending on whether this was terrorist related or not. What eveidence is there the police are lying? Why would they? Maybe they are being 'economical with the truth' of course while hey carry out investigations- maybe not to alert possible accomplices.

Let's get real here ... I asked if the police didn't have a motive how can they rule out terrorism after such a short time, impossible imo.
So a perfectly sane and reasonable question.

mikey then wants to label me a usual suspect, someone who gets excited when Muslims kill ... bizarre!
Even though it was mikey who mentioned 'Islamic terrorism' and mikey who mention 'Muslim'

What I find odd is that it is almost a certainty that if the police had said this was terrorist related you would be hiding behind the fence, mikey.
Extraordinary outburst Talbot, even coming from you !

What evidence is there that this is terror-related ?

Where is the evidence for the police to categorically state that it isn't ?
What eveidence is there the police are lying? Why would they?

I don't know but I asked myself the same Q over the infamous NYE er ... celebrations here in Cologne.
I doubt mikey would hide behind the fence. Why would anyone. We know there is a problem with Islamism already. I think some enjoy the "nudge, nudge wink wink" aspects and hope to be able to say "ha told you so", . If that's what floats their boat that's fine. I'm happy to believe the authorities on these matters until such time as it's clear there is a conspiracy of silence/denial
AOG...don't be daft.
/// AOG...don't be daft. ///

Why do you have to be so rude, where am I being daft?

But then I don't suppose I am, it is just your way of escaping when you don't have an answer.
I agree that it seems odd based on what we know that they have come to this conclusion but perhaps they do have reasons to say that. Unless one has evidence to show it was terrorst related it seems unjustified to imply there is a cover-up. What does the speculation achieve?
Everybody speculates on something or other ... the site may as well shut down if speculation is not allowed.

I'm speculating that German police are under instructions to play down incidents involving refugees/migrants.
Ah !........then you don't have any evidence Talbot....thought not.
No one does at the moment, Mikey!!
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mikey, I asked you earlier, where do you think you can obtain a Kalashnikov assault weapon in downtown Konstanz?
Ah !........then you don't have any evidence Talbot....thought not.

I consider this a perfectly reasonable question ... just how stupid are you mikey?
I haven't said there was evidence that this was an Islamic terrorist attack. I have stated that if the police did not have enough evidence to say what caused this attack then they didn't have enough evidence to discount terrorism.

We don't yet know why this man was shooting people with a gun but it wasn't terrorism.

Something not right about issuing that sort of statement only hours after the incident.

I thought it had been made public knowledge that he had a problem with the doormen having either been thrown out or refused entry, and had returned with a gun.
The first reason banded about was because of relationship troubles.

But whatever the reasons why does this man possess a weapon capable of causing such horrific terror?

Surely not for when he gets kicked out of a nightclub .....

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