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Another Stupid Question?

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Jordyboy9 | 09:37 Tue 01st Aug 2017 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Dose anyone think this is a stupid question?
IF someone keeps using your wheely Bin(a neighbour)does this counts as fly tipping?


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It certainly counts as decidedly unneighbourly. Are they using your wheelie to avoid their recycling responsibilities? If so the council will hold you responsible for what is dumped in your bin. Big fines are now dished out by some local authorities, so I would inform them, or tell the neighbour to desist. Or words to that effect.
09:44 Tue 01st Aug 2017
NO, but you should have a word with him, unless you don't mind.
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It certainly counts as decidedly unneighbourly. Are they using your wheelie to avoid their recycling responsibilities? If so the council will hold you responsible for what is dumped in your bin. Big fines are now dished out by some local authorities, so I would inform them, or tell the neighbour to desist. Or words to that effect.
where my FIL lives, there's 4 in the block, each flat is occupied by single person.
I've seen the bin-men put rubbish bags from one bin into another, so I don't think they are fly-tipping.

Are you on friendly terms with the neighbour?
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Ta Jordy, hope you can sort it without too much drama.

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