AOG....I took your "An easy mistake to make" comment as being aimed at those who made the mistake.....after all they made the mistake.....not you as far as I know.....
Had you taken the photo and made the mistake your argument would stand up.
And Andy's reply to be aimed at those people also.....
Your reply to Andy is the sort of thing that often sours your threads leading you to complain.
If it was not, then I apologise, only to say perhaps you should consider what you actually put, there was no need to start off by my chosen' words "An easy mistake to make, " followed by "only if ........
Can't you and others see that? It wasn't the anti immigration group who said those words.
I don't think you were attempting humour at all AOG, I think you were doing one of your thinly veiled anti Muslim threads again!!
If it was supposed to be humourous why not post it in Chatterbank?
AOG - //If it was not, then I apologise, only to say perhaps you should consider what you actually put, there was no need to start off by my chosen' words "An easy mistake to make, " followed by "only if ........
Can't you and others see that? It wasn't the anti immigration group who said those words. //
It appears that only you have taken my post personally AOG, which says more about your thin skin than my response.
Be fair, how can this have started as an anti-Muslilm thread when it posts evidence that ridicules those who are anti-Muslim for making an error ? And yes, at a quick glance at the photo one could easily make the mistake; but a simple check before presenting it as proof on their website would have prevented the group looking idiots (yeah I know, they already look idiots but that's a different issue).