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Tory Party On The Verge Of Its Own Sdp Moment ?

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mikey4444 | 10:39 Fri 11th Aug 2017 | News
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gawd elp us mikey you've awoken the million dollar brain!
so they want to call themselves "the democrats"! PMSL!
The only way is IN, then, " Things can only get Better"
I think I have heard those words before. It didnt get better instead the country ended up broke.

The Tories are no more split than labour (and I suspect there may be liberals who dont want to go against democracy). The EU in or out has never been a party thing even though some have tried to make it such.

As for 'negotiations' many of these will be behind the scenes with our civil servants and Bruxelles bureaucrats hammering it out. I always find it amusing when people accuse a Brit of not sorting it out. Do they not realise negotiation means there is more than one side making an agreement and one side cannot do anything without the other?
Well I think BINGO could be a good avatar for you Gullible.

The fact that Jeremy appears to be the most ardent high profile Brexiteer never seems to be addressed by mikey, naomi.
Come on Mickey, lets hear your views on JC's EU stance.
Talbot, I remind him occasionally but to no avail.
YMB " Things can only get better" not sure but I think it was recorded for the present Conservative party by a group called D:REAM.
This Chapman guy just seems to be gibbering, to me. Difficult to find anything attributed to him in the article that made sense. I think it is all wishful thinking, but I hear it's good to dream.
It has been suggested somewhere that Brexit was caused by us oldies trying to get back to the times when Britain was called Great, which of course the youngsters know nothing about as they only know of the Great European Union !!!. Can I suggest therefore that the actual plot is to play it out & keep things quietly ticking over & going through the motions of Brexit as we oldies slowly die out & then whayae back to the drawing board & the good old EU.
How many referendums do you want - how silly, obviously until you get the result you want.
That's EU tactics. Not for democracies.

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