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How Did Di Die?

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vernonk | 05:40 Wed 23rd Aug 2017 | News
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In their latest interview about the loss of their mum, Prince William and Harry blame the paparazzi for taking photos of Di in the crashed car rather than helping her. I wonder if that's the explanation they were given at the time, rather than the drunk driver going too fast....or Di being deliberately bumped off. Do you think it was an accident or murder?


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ICH..and THERE'S the rub !
I haven't written a book on the subject. Nevertheless, I have my doubts.
BA to Eddie at 08:19 !

( still no evidence from the conspiracy theory fans I notice ! )
Eddie - with only bruising? I got hit by a car doing about 15 mph and I just had bruising.

At the speed it's reported they were going even wearing a seat belt couldn't have guaranteed they survived. The body guard was seriously injured in the crash!
"He wasn't way over the limit though. Twice over isn't that much really. Even a sober person would barely notice someone twice over the limit."
Try Telling that to someone who has lost a family member or small child because they were 2 times over the limit...!
Mikey, //still no evidence from the conspiracy theory fans I notice ! //

What's the point? I can't add to what you've already seen and read. I guess I'm just not as willing as you to believe, without question, what the media tells me.
mikey is quite correct.
An accident which might or might not have been survivable had she worn a seatbelt and the car being driven in a more responsible manner.
Paparazzi? what could they have done other than take photographs which is their occupation and livelihood.?
I am not privy to the results of the post mortem, but i gather that she had head injuries and a ruptured aorta (main artery of the body),which would make this incident almost certainly non survivable.
Yes, I fell sorry for the boys and all concerned, but i have particular sympathy for Camilla who is having to face this all over again 20 years on. From what i can gather from the media, Camilla has been good for Charles and has changed him in many ways.
Death is often tragic, but is goes on.
If a question needs be asked it should be ,why was a man with a known drink problem working as a chauffeur?
The driver should have made sure that his passengers were wearing seat belts at all times! and he should have stuck to the speed limit!
He did neither of those because he was drunk !!!
How did a p*** head get to be the official chauffeur for one of the world's most prestigious and expensive hotels ?
Bernie - I'm an advocate for lowering the DD limit to just take into account some medicines and puddings which contain alcohol. Otherwise I think it should be zero.

Just saying that someone twice over the limit doesn't necessarily appear drunk.
Diana and Dodi made a split-second decision to leave the Ritz and go back to his apartment.

The driver was drunk and driving at high speed.

She and 2 other occupants of the car were not wearing seatbelts. Guess which 3 died and which 1 survived...

They were being chased by Paparazzi and the idiot drunk driver probably thought he was a stunt man who could shake them off.

There was no foul play, no conspiracy and no assassination.
Eddie, I really don't think a driver would tell VIP guests to buckle up.
Ummm...yes but Trevor Rees-Jones survived and the other three didn't, which is the point that I and Eddie, and others are saying.

No one is denying that all the other factors are implicit on why the car crashed...paps, speed, drunkenness.

But the main reason she died was because she wasn't wearing her seat belt. If she had have had it on, then there is a very good chance she would have survived.

She died from a massive head injury, caused by her hitting something, or someone in front of her. A seat belt would have prevented that happening.

I realise, by the way, that you are aware of all this !
It might be instructive if people studied the Wiki entry on the death of Diana, especially the result of the Inquest :::::,_Princess_of_Wales

"On 7 April 2008, the jury concluded that Diana and Fayed were the victims of an "unlawful killing" by the "grossly negligent" chauffeur Paul and the drivers of the following vehicles.

Additional factors were "the impairment of the judgement of the driver of the Mercedes through alcohol" and "the death of the deceased was caused or contributed to by the fact that the deceased was not wearing a seat belt, the fact that the Mercedes struck the pillar in the Alma Tunnel rather than colliding with something else"
I doubt we will ever know the truth, it won't stop people speculating though, but " I felt sorry for Camilla " from sqad , omg :-)

you're having a laugh surely?

It's not as if anyone could tamper with any entries on that great font of all knowledge.
Sqad....I am tending to agree with you regarding Camilla.

The main reason why Camilla is having such a hard time being accepted by some of the British people, is because she is not Diana, although I suspect it would be even worse for her, if Diana had not died.
She 'might' have survived had she been wearing a seat belt but then again she 'might' have died.
Alba....then look up the findings of the Inquest yourself then, if you think that the Wiki entry has been altered.
Ummm...but as Sqad has said, without the seat belt, she had next to zero chance of survival.

With it, she would at least have had a fighting chance, as Trevor Rees-Jones has shown.
I think the media and public seem to have accepted Camilla now.
She is the wife of the future King. She will be Queen (consort) Camilla. I don't think she'll be called that though.

Incidentally, why did Wills get downgraded from Prince to Duke when he married? I know he is still a prince, but why is he always referred to as Duke of ... Sorry if I'm going off-topic.

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