(I see you've anticipated me to some extent, Talbot).
My answer:
KKK and Nazis on the increase?
No, both groups have been in very short supply for some time now. Unfortunately the demand (in the case of some people, including many posters on AB ,the need) for such groups is undiminished. So in order to keep up with demand the standard for racism and Nazism has been debased, such that these days anyone who argues for, say, any form of immigration control qualifies as a racist and a Nazi.
Meanwhile there is an unholy coalition of groups which routinely resort to bullying and violence to silence opponents. (look at Berkeley when the "anti-fascists" torched the place to prevent Milo Yannopoulos speaking). Don't see much denunciation of left-wing thuggery; have seen some support for it by people like, well, SP.