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North Korea Trembles

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mikey4444 | 16:22 Sat 02nd Sep 2017 | News
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North Korean ambassador summoned by the UK

I bet Ding Dang Dong wished he hadn't bothered now !


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To answer the OP, their ambassador being summoned by us to have a quiet word in his shell-like must be akin to being savaged by a tortoise....
17:38 Sat 02nd Sep 2017
Oh dear is it time to button my little used one-liner - a gentleman who was indicted for public indecency by the name of Wun Long Luk

hey when Hy Kissinger [ who's kissing them now? - he is still alive at age 120 y isnt he? ]was discussing Peace in Vietnam in Paris with Phan Lam Dang - one of the helpers was Le Duc Tho
( Lay Dook To - was three names) the French thought it was a title M. le Duc Tho - Monsewer Toe was a viet Duke.
He wasnt
and as we know the south of vietnam was liberated by their communists
Is casual racism acceptable on AB now ?

Well if it comes from the 'I'll fight racism where ever I see it' man ... of course it is.
17.46 Steady on Corporal Jones , you should be on guard duty now at the amusment arcade at Walmington on sea.

PP, do your Meds need reviewing again?

Just like to point out that I had no issue with Gromit's post and took it in the spirit of banter, hence my reply.
Don't know who did but please, DO NOT be offended on my behalf, I have thick skin and a sense of humour.
Or like, Ray Ling - the Chinese fence.
Furthermore, can I ask why my reply was deleted when it contained no derogatory remarks or terminology whatsoever?
17.46, as you were saying Cpl Jones,
communist liberators and lived happily ever after

( except for the hundreds and thousands of viet economic migrants who comprised the first boat people in the eighties )

have we had the trivial pursuit question - where does a vietnamese keep his dong ? in his wallet
In fact the viet economy is dollarised - every transaction over one dollar value is transacted in dollars and the small change in dong - 4000 to a dollar when i was there

have we had the false names of the crew in a crashed Viet plane? Only 'Way Tu Lo" springs to mind. Own Lee I suppose

really Ho Lee Vook should have given the game away

we live in scandalous times

Be honest people does anybody understand what PP goes on about!!

Hi Bernie, NO.
I don't really bother with PP's posts , Bernie.

That said I read his last because of your post.
have we had the trivial pursuit question - where does a vietnamese keep his dong ? in his wallet

I think the answer was 'in the bank'
It varies - often I do.

Chill - posts that seem innocuous often go if they repeat what a removed post said.

Yes we can ask why, will we get told - mostly no.
17.46, as you were saying Cpl Jones,
As the post at 17.46 no longer exists it's a moot point, hence your comedic talents are wasted, gulliver.

I'm sure we'll cope with the loss!
mikey...Fat Boy Kim is more acceptable.
I, for one, am not convinced that North Korea has nuclear warheads. Also not convinced that it is a dictatorship. My view is that the North Koreans are, yet, again, boasting of weapons they may not have. I also don't see how the the progression from one Kim to the other two can have been established without the tacit, blessing of the military. Hence an elder brother was 'disinheirited' in favour of the latest Kim. That is not to say it isn't one of the most appalling regimes in history. I just have my concerns about the current received opinion.
Chilldoubt, 18.28, Hand on heart , it was not me , I just jumped on the Band waggon.
If history had been kinder, Ryzen ... he could have been a funk Seoul brother.

Think you will find it's Wagon.
Did someone taint your muesli this morning?

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