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Fao Mikey

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murraymints | 16:28 Sun 15th Oct 2017 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Mikey ..the book you recommended arrived yesterday..will make a start on it tonight and let you know what I think..not a huge book so should not take long ..I would appear to be quite informally written...


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What's the title, murraymints?
Question Author
smile for the camera... exposé on Cyril Smith stuff...
Thanks, murraymints
Question Author
since it has kind of reared it's head again..would like to know a bit more of the behind the scene intrigue
Minty....this book will seriously make you change your mind about the serial paedophile, Cyril Smith.

It will show you that a paedophile ring existed in Rochdale long before Muslim taxi divers made the headlines.

Smith may be dead and good riddance, but some of his fellow paedophiles are not
Question Author
there certainly had to be some kind of protection afforded him from upon high somewhere..look forward to the detail
Minty....this book will seriously make you change your mind about the serial paedophile, Cyril Smith.

I had no idea MM was a fan of Cyril Smith the paedophile ... I live and learn.
Talbot....well, you will never know will you, as you have refused to even try reading the book !
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hmmmm Talbot..... what Mikey meant was... he was not alone ... and there was much more than met the eye..... :o) x
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would you like me to send it on Talbot ? we should start an AB library...
That's not how it read.
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now now.. dinnae you nitpick.. enough of that going on here...;0)
No ta, I have always believed him to be a paedophile and don't need any convincing. The same for Jimmy Savile.
Have I missed something? I can't remember Cyril Smith being convicted of paedophilia.
Couldn't abide him when he was alive, his dying hasn't changed my view.
The man gave me the creeps every time I saw him on tv, and that was before I heard anything about any allegations.
So,yo be correct he was a suspected paedophile?
you don't have to be convicted of paedophilia to be a paedophile.
jno, so what is the criteria then?

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