///A Cambridge University spokesman said that the English Faculty did not have a policy on trigger warnings but "some lecturers indicate that some sensitive material will be covered in a lecture by informing the English Faculty Admin staff".
"This is entirely at the lecturer's own discretion and is in no way indicative of a Faculty wide policy," they added.///
The older we are the more dumbfounded we are at the apparent lack of backbone in the younger generation.
The real world of work is becoming so PC that I doubt that there will be any office romances in a few years. Everyone will be too frightened of accused of harassment or something.
The Genie is out of the lamp and it will be pretty nigh on impossible to stuff it back in.
yeah course you are - didnt you cast darn free apples to hinder the uvva goddesses whilst you won the race ?
and den day burnt you at the end (well dey did in the da film)
Mushroom - shame on you with your AOG skin on
you are a respected academic - in anthropotobly no less
so you have the wherewithal to analyse these periodic phases in a culture
what about
do the cultural flags current in our universities have anything in common with booko burning in berlin in the thirties or the salem witch trials
Precisely, Naomi. As an Eng. Lit. /Art student myself I am absolutely speechless about all this. When teaching, one of my main themes was hammering home that arts students could not afford to be 'mealy minded'. Appreciation was what counted ('appreciation' in its broadest sense, of course). I find all this, not only unacceptable, but incomprehensible.l
I've played Lavinia, and I first read Titus when I was 10, neither of which have hurt me. Despite the subject matter there is really no need to be so precious and pandering, I cannot imagine anyone getting triggered by it because of the manner in which the depiction of the rape and violence is worded and portrayed. Some people are more dramatic than the play and enjoy being offended, and tbh I find it really irritating because the majority of people my age are not these milk sops that need safe spaces, they feel it's equally ridiculous.