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What's brexit ?
A long playing record.
they're missing an opportunity, alba. Perhaps they could have a Brexit baby.

Kate is expecting in Aprilish, so probably May, I would guess.
Good luck to them both.
I'm a little late to the party but would like to add my best wishes to them both, he's a lucky chap.
an american in the royal family .hmmm ? good luck to them both but we will now be bombard daily till the wedding with this event on the uk news channels, thank god there's aljazeera news,
erik, of course we'll be bombarded with some news folk peering at her tummy no doubt :-(
I for one am glad that Prince Harry is doing his bit to smooth over Brexit negotiations by offering to marry Angela Merkel.

Hang on...
/// Ahhh, just saw them on television. They look so happy and excited. Made me go quite gooey! :o) ///

Of course they look so happy and excited, like all couples do when they are about to be married, and do you go gooey when you see all young couples married ?

I just can't understand all this idolisation, they are just a couple about to get married, just like all other couples about to be married, except of course they will not have to count the cost or strive to get a mortgage together.

I will only go as far to wish them a healthy long happy married together, just as I do for any other couple about to be married.
Wow AOG...thanks for throwing vinegar into the wedding cake.

The difference between this couple and any other is that we know so much more about them.

If we see an announcement about a young couple getting engaged in our local paper, we might think “Aww, that’s sweet”, but the difference with Harry is that we have known about him for 35 years.

Even though we don’t know him personally, we are aware of his life.

We saw him walking behind his mother’s coffin and we have seen him grow from a rather callow youth, into a man who has done some pretty good thinks for the country (Invictus games were a roaring success, which he should be given credit for).

That’s why people have stronger feelings for him than some other random strangers...because with other couples, we literally know nothing about them, so it’s impossible to invest in their happiness.
aog, ahh, doesn't seeing people happy bring a smile to your face? I love it. Got to be preferable to seeing people with the miseries. :o)
Hear hear, sp.

To add to your post I think that Harry garners a deep respect from the general public for his military service(2 tours of Afghanistan), charity work and having the gumption to bring about the Invictus Games.
Pretty much everyone I know would like him as either a mate or son-in-law!
Chill, I think she's the lucky one.

Apparently going to be talking about their engagement on TV tonight ....
An interview with them is due to be broadcast on BBC 6 o'clock news .... I hear.
Gutted. Just gutted. ;)

But seeing as he never asked me I wish them every happiness.
About time there was a black African American in the Royal family. Another win for diversity!
Now she can discard torn jeans for a kilt. Good luck to them.

//who has done some pretty good thinks for the country//

Ha Ha!

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Prince Harry To Marry Girlfriend Meghan Markle

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