The source of the claim that bus loads of illegal voters were bussed in, is easily discredited. The story originated on a satirical website that state “Everything on this website is fictional”. The fake story contains details that are obviously made up.
// For example, the story quotes a fictional official from the “State Election Integrity Board,” which does not exist. Then it says that 27 black people were arrested at “Warsaw Middle School in Selma,” which is not a real school. It also identifies the Selma police chief as “Santiago Swearinger,” when his name is actually Spencer Collier.
In addition, the story also featured the photos of eight young African Americans who were not involved in the Alabama special election. The photos were taken in 2014 after those eight teens were arrested for allegedly throwing rocks and food from their school bus at passing vehicles in South Carolina. //
In short, there is no substance to the allegations of voter fraid, and Moore is the victim(or perpetrator) of fake news.