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EcclesCake | 12:37 Fri 05th Jan 2018 | ChatterBank
42 Answers
I wish to make a donation of goods to a centre that helps people. They are not necessarily homeless but are, I think, largely struggling financially and limited facilities.

I have spoken to the centre for guidance on what they want and apart from non perishable food items were a little vague but when I suggested feminine hygiene products they nearly bit my arm off.

So, what other items that may not immediately occur to you do you think would be appreciated?


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Food for pets.
My friend who volunteers always asks for the following
Tooth brush and paste, wet wipes, hats gloves and scarfs.
Soap and deodrant NOT RAZORS
Cheap tshirts (think primark £2 ones) these count as underwear so keep the outer clothers fresher
Pet food, baby food, washing powder, plasters, deodorant, shower gel etc
I think fem products is a very good idea, there are loads of women who can ill afford to fork out each month for Tampons etc,
What about some perfume and aftershave( needn't be too expensive) we all deserve a treat .
Question Author
I'd wondered about pet food.

Funnily enough, toothpaste was on my list but hadn't given a though to toothbrushes!

It is infuriating that I have loads of fleece jackets but as they all have company logos on I don't feel it appropriate to donate them to anything other than an animal charity for bedding.
cvan't think of much to add to that apart from hairbrushes, the cheapy £1 types and knickers.
Tights, socks and woolly hats. (just thinking about what I cant live without when the boiler decides to take time out).
Eccles, I can't see anything inappropriate about clothes with logos on them (I may be the only person in Britain who doesn't wear any, of course) - but wouldn't the recipient be just as warm?
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JNO, when I say company logos I'm not referring to North Face, RAB etc, more business logos that could potentially be misused.

I think the toiletries, washing powder (a ludicrously expensive essential) and baby food/nappies are good suggestions. They are the easily overlooked essentials of life that are oft forgot in favour of food items.
I have to laugh, as we are currently buried under a ton of feminine hygiene products, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap, gels, washes, etc. Too often people think we can and must take anything offered, and take offence when we say "no, not now". Sometimes what's most needed is for the centre rather than clients .
Our centre frequently needs cleaning products, and very heavy refuse sacks as we run a kitchen that produces a lot of refuse.
If this for people in housing then maybe loo rolls,laundry supplies, tea, coffee, sugar, instant soups.
Don't know if that's of any use to you.
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I had hoped you'd see this post Pasta as I know you have first hand experience in these matters.

I do like the idea of cuppa soup, nutritious and easily prepared with minimal facilities required. Loo rolls is another good idea.

Hope you don't sprain an ankle tripping over bottles of shower gel!

It's a possibility! We have a small storeroom...maybe 10 x 10 fitted with shelves STUFFED with gels, soaps, shaving products,shampoos etc etc. We even raid it ourselves when we need anything...throwing some money in a tin.
If your centre deals with homeless then sleeping bags are really needed...also rucksacks.
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A bump for the night time squad.....
Some treats for the kids - sweets, colouring pencils, colouring books, comics (when things hit the *** here I couldn't afford treats for the kids and that really got to me - well that and the whole going bankrupt/facing homelessness thing).
I have been told by a Trussell Trust lady that things which can be prepared with only a kettle or eaten cold and with a hefty carb hit are tinned milk puddings and custard type things, the flavoured kind of cous cous, supernoodles, packet mash, canned sausages.....
Are there families at this centre? If so then nappies, powdered milk and sterilising solutions.

Is a NOT RAZOR anything like a NoNo?
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Thanks to you all, certainly given me some direction.

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