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are you that thick? It's exactly what has happened, derrr!
mikey - // Glad to see he has been convicted but a completely ludicrous sentence ! //

I can't agree.

If the sentences are handed down for each crime, it is only logical that they are all applied, even though they will exceed the convicted felon's lifespan.

If the crimes were lesser, and he was being handed thirty years, and then five as well, would you want him to 'skip' the five years because he will probably be dead?

That would demean the court, the sentencing structure, and the legal system.

That, I believe, is why it is done this way.
I think these sorts of sentences - which are far from uncommon in the US - are absurd, and bring the American legal system into disrepute. What this man did was awful and he should be punished severely, but 175 years is ridiculous; he should have been given the sort of sentence he would have received in the UK.
And I could have done without the judge telling everyone about her family background, and saying ' I have just signed your death warrant' - unseemly remark for a judge to make.
Like a Suspended Sentence you mean,goodgoalie?
Everhelpful.....what evidence do you have that someone like Nassar would have received a suspended here in Britain ?
good that he got a long sentence, imagine that happened here, no chance..
Everything is "bigger" in America.

Just ask one of them ;-/
Oh, I forgot to add and better ;-/
Perhaps Dian Abbot added up the consecutive years for the judge.

Plus he is a dead ringer for Ben Elton....that must have been worth an extra 25years.
As the judge said, when he was being led away "I have just sentenced you to death".
Let me play devil's advocate here.

I think we all agree that such offenders should be forced to serve a lengthy sentence.

But life imprisonment for sexual assault or rape meaning they never come out of prison, in case they commit their crimes again?

If so then what other crimes will need a life sentence, obviously murder? Because surely that crime is much worse than any sexual assault or even a rape.
I am very surprised they do not have degrees of sexual assault. Surely a man who touches someone up should get a more lenient sentence than one who assaults by forced physical entry, or am I being too naive?

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