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Dispatches Channel 4 Tv Last Night

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gulliver1 | 10:17 Mon 29th Jan 2018 | News
29 Answers
The Conservatives are at it again , Andrew Lansley, Peter Lilley, Andrew Mitchell , offering to sell secret Brexit information , at £ 5,000 a day for their service. They just cant help it can they.


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Gullible.Sarcasm does nothing to improve your image.
Oops another typo.
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Chanell 4 news and Dispatches and their legal team got it all wrong then Fanny,
Oops another typo.
Gullible, I never said anyone got it wrong.I pointed out the 'the camera never lies' is a fallacy :-)
This is corrupt behaviour and - more to the point - is by no means out of the ordinary in British politics.

And no, it's obviously not just the Tories. It's a serious problem that in many ways goes to the heart of why Britain is badly governed and has been for some time. It's not at all distant from the problems exposed by cash-for-peerages and cash-for-answers, or the now-extensive lobbying operations that riddle Westminster. Voters need to pay more attention to it, but they won't.
Whatever happened to the usual crew who leap fearlessly on any thread that impugns the honour or integrity of any Tory politician or any ABer who dares to do likewise? Even the source of the material I provided a link to was The Times itself, normally a bastion of right-wing thinking. So you are allowed to comment.
The comparative silence is deafening!
There seems to have been an outbreak of shame-faced restraint and unusual tolerance about 10:59 this morning.

Maybe even worse is to be revealed and the gang are bracing for impact. :-)
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Andrew Mitchell,-----"I am totally innocent and have alerted MI 5, eh.

What a complete and utter shower.
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If this had been three Mps belonging to the Labour Party , we would have had complete meltdown on A/B ,and maybe a public enquiry,

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