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Intolerance Goes Through 180 Degrees, Can Thoughtcrime Be Far Away?

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douglas9401 | 11:29 Sat 17th Feb 2018 | News
55 Answers

Thou shalt not express an opinion.

Now I'm off to cancel my booking at an aspirational glorified campsite with overpriced 'facilities'.


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Spermicide! PMSL
Littlejohn is a right-wing bigot and professional agitator paid far too much to pander to other right-wing bigots in his column.

If there is a gay or Islamic button to be pressed, Littlejohn will press it, because that is what attracts his readers.

I am a Mail reader, but I have not read a word Littlejohn says for as long as I can remember - he has nothing of interest to say that I would ever need to read.
Also jordyboy14 - I have to ask, do you really think that in order to impregnate a woman, she needs to have spermicide squirted up her?

I...I...I don’t know where to begin with that one.
kromo: "This is why most children are born. Either that or to trap spouses." - what a nasty piece of work you appear to be. True colours displayed and received load and clear.
Sp I am on my iPad it has a mind of its own regarding what words to use
-- answer removed --

Sperm will do.

Tom Daley and his husband Dustin Lance Black are "expecting" a bayyybeee. Will it be a black baby?
You'll just have to be patient and wait to find out.
//what a nasty piece of work you appear to be. True colours displayed and received load and clear.//
//and rely on the custom of gay people. //

just curious - but would CP be in serious fiscal straits if they were to lose the gay vote?

Not so much custom from gay people - but they don't want to be seen as a company that agrees with, or in any way supports the views as expressed by Littlejohn

There are people I know in the US who wouldn't ever eat at Chick-a-Fil for similar reasons. Also, there are fundamentalists who (after boycotts organised by One Million Moms and the AFA, won't let their kids watch Disney films or go to one of the Disney parks.

It's all about the bottom line.
The Daily Mail chickens are coming home to roost it would seem,
Mikey is the DM and chickens related to this story?
Wolfie...I have only ever eaten in a KFC once, and I posted my views on the experience here on was late 2015 if I recall.

It was the most dismal meal imaginable....the chicken looked like road kill, and it was spiced and salted to within an inch of its life. If people really think that KFC is good eating, than God only knows what they eat at home.

But McD's breakfasts are rather scrumptious and I enjoy a Burger King Whopper once in a while.

'It's all about the bottom. l̶i̶n̶e̶'

Advertising is hugely expensive and placement is key - Companies make their choices about where is right for them.

I'm sure the paper won't run out of advertisers.
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Some might say that the 'secret blend of spices' was a clue to the chicken being 'spiced'.
//Perhaps we should try not to believe everything we read in the papers.//

Sorry I thought the 'affair' was common knowledge.
////what a nasty piece of work you appear to be. True colours displayed and received load and clear.//

Yes truly nasty piece of work unveiled.

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