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'deputy Is A Coward'

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Islay | 18:48 Fri 23rd Feb 2018 | News
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To quote Trump the deputy that did not wade into the recent high school shoot 'is at the least a disgrace at the worst a coward'
Now I have recently been watching a series of programs investigating the mass shootings in America and all the trained professionals on there stat that you should not enter as an individual but wait until there are at least 3 armed trained professionals.
So is Trump right is the deputy a coward or a disgrace or did he do the right thing?
The man has now resigned and is being slated by the President - I cannot think what that poor man is going through at them moment.
What are your thoughts please?


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I think Trump calling the deputy a coward makes the deputy a scapegoat and takes the heat off the rights and wrongs of too many guns in America, if he was waiting for back up as trained and in 90 seconds not knowing what exactly was going on, like one or more shooters, I don't think he was a coward no more than I think teachers being trained to shoot students wielding...
19:22 Fri 23rd Feb 2018
So the exservice people of AB would disregard the rules of such a situation ?
I don't know anne. What are 'the rules' when a situation is unfolding, where mass murder is being committed and sworn law enforcement officers stand idly by as the body count mounts, minute by minute?
I'm all ears........

I am almost sure Anne will have a solution
anne doesn't know the rules.
If he has indeed disobeyed the training in what he should have done in that situation, then I'd find it hard to say anything favourable.

I have an awful feeling how this situation will end.
I'll give you a hint anne.
In that situation, with backup on the way but not arriving for several minutes you draw your weapon, cock it and do your utmost to carry out the duties expected of you that you voluntariy signed up and swore to do!
If it was me, I would have gone in regardless. But that’s just my response.
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Yes mamya so do I.
and me, poor man :(
I agree with the ladies :-(
The difficulty here for President Trump is that this reality punctures a galaxy-wide hole in his gun philosophy - the way to combat bad guys with guns is for good guys to have guns.

So here we are, in the real world, and that fairy-tale scenario did not pan out, making the President's approach to gun control look ludicrous - which of course it is - but he doesn't appreciate the facts pointing that out for the population of Planet Earth to see very clearly.

So, in order to try and reclaim some of the vaporised moral high ground, the President opines that this should have been a 'good guy with a gun', but he fell down on the bravery front.

That makes the loss of life the guard's fault, which it wasn't, and not the government's persistent refusal to address the nation's gun attitudes, which it was.
'galaxy-wide' 'vaporised', ? Must buy a bottle of hyperbole next time I'm shopping.
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// The difficulty here for President Trump is that this reality punctures a galaxy-wide hole in his gun philosophy - the way to combat bad guys with guns is for good guys to have guns.//

Quite the opposite, imo. One of the main arguments of the pro-gun lobby has been self reliance. This bears out their argument that you can't always rely on the authorities to protect you.
One can see situations when 'wait for back-up' makes sense. This wasn't one of them.

Regardless of whether he acted correctly or not Trump should not have Publicly slated him.
The cops’s Motto is “To protect and serve”

Some say it’s better to have died a hero than live a coward.

But I’m unsure whether he was fearful, being a pro or something else but many cops and firefighters go beyond the call of duty especially where kids lives are involved.
I'm sure if he had tried to engage the shooter he would have gladly accepted being called a hero.

He didn't though, so .....
This could really finish up with the deputy taking his own life to have this bampot of a president calling him a coward might be more than he can live with.
The problem is they don't have a "wait for back up" rule, they have a "wait for back up but if it all goes wrong, you'll get the blame and be branded a coward" rule.
To those ex service who have said they would disobey the rule, did you ever disobey any order while serving? I doubt it.
“This could really finish up with the deputy taking his own life“

After not attempting to help the kids then in taking his own life would just be playing into trumps hands by proving that he was a coward.

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