AOG - // andy-hughes
/// There is nothing to be gained in spreading panic among the public by advising every single plot and counter-measure, when they cannot do anything effective, but can do something ineffective, which is worry. ///
Then why the need for the retiring assistant commissioner at the Metropolitan police, now to make the public aware of any threatened Far-Right terrorism action? //
I don't know - you'd need to ask the retiring Assistant Commissioner that - he knows, I have no idea.
/// To address your Question - in the sense that both groups are extremists, and prone to use violence to enforce their view ///
One must agree, one would be a fool not to.
/// then yes, there is a valid comparison between the two. ///
It is this that I disagree with, there is no valid comparison regarding threats to the public //
My comparison was not made on the basis of threats to the public - it was made on the basis that both use violence in the pursuit of their aims.
The minute we delve into the differences, and there are many of them, we are off down a series of side-roads from the main point.
I suggest that your comparison is one of those - yes it is a valid point, but it distracts from the simple answer to your OP.
If you wish to debate differences, then you need to re-post with that as the thrust of your OP - I beleive you OP has been answered by myself, and others.