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The Commies Are Behind Corbyn

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youngmafbog | 13:56 Wed 07th Mar 2018 | News
24 Answers
SO,, it seems comrade COB has the support of the communist Party, they clearly think there is not much between them and labour now.

No surprise for most of us. I really do feel for the real labour voters though. Just what do they have available to them now?


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fiveleaves, //if he saves the NHS and builds homes people can afford to buy, well good on him. //

Don't hold your breath. Empty cans make the most noise.
OMG , Here we go again ,the TORY Minister of propaganda has been wheeled out of the closet again,.WHY are the Cons so afraid of losing the next General Election at this early stage ? they will have to wear brown underpants in a few years time.
Gulliver the Tories are not 'frightened' by Conrad Corbyn it is more a case of if you don't call people out at the time it becomes accepted as OK. to do otherwise means no one cares.

R O F L .

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