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Britain First Leaders Jailed Over Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes

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anotheoldgit | 11:56 Thu 08th Mar 2018 | News
82 Answers

/// It was a campaign to draw attention to the race, religion and immigrant background of the defendants.” ///

To be fair, that is an important and valid factor, in this present age.


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Jahulaye, who did that?
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/// Personally, I am hostile to rapists, their reigion really isn't a cvonsideration insofar as i would be more hostile to a Muslim rapist than I would a Christian or atheist rapist - I don't tend to section criminals off in that way. ///

You should do if it is proven as in this case, that the majority are of a certain religious following.
I abhor all rapists, but none more than Muslims who do it firstly, with help of others, (there never seems to be any lone Muslim rapists!) and secondly with the warped conviction, twisted by their religion, that all white non-Muslim women are what they call kuffars and deserve everything they get.
//You should do if it is proven as in this case, that the majority are of a certain religious following. //
Are you seriously saying that of all the rapes in the UK there are more carried out by Muslims?
If this is what you are saying can you please provide stats - and can the stats be from a balanced source.
Thank you
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Read what I put and not what you would have wished me to put.

This is what I put:

"You should do if it is proven as in this case",

The secret is in the words "as in this case" i.e. Muslim grooming gangs
Well i can't disagree with you there AOG- seems very likley that the majority of Muslim Grooming Gang rapes cases are carried out by Muslims.
I have read what you wrote - perhaps you should have worded it differently because I still stick by what i said based on what you have written.
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I can take no responsibility for you failing to understand the English written word.
Perhaps its your inability to write a clear and concise sentence!
Islay, I don't think aog meant that. I think he's talking about grooming gangs.
Islay, Yopu want statistics? I'll give you some, and these are only those caught and sentenced;
'Table showing details of those jailed as members of gangs who targeted white schoolgirls for rape. Muslims are approximately 5% of the UK population, but they are 90% of those convicted for these grooming gang crimes. Here you can see not only the ages of the men, but also the towns with which their crimes were associated. When one considers that logically there must be in excess of 100,000 victims, the convictions below are the tip of a massive iceberg.'

What do you say?

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Khandro I laugh at the stats you provided - hardly a balanced source now is it!!
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Do your stats tell me how many rapes were committed by muslim ment compared to white men?
If not then tbh I am not interested because as normal this is chasing a cat up a blind alley - pointless
Islay, why do you refuse to believe that by far the majority of men involved in these grooming gangs are Muslim?
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Put away your spade, you are proving yourself silly.

/// Do your stats tell me how many rapes were committed by muslim ment compared to white men? ///

At the moment this is still a majority 'White' country.
Naomi - I have never ever said that - if you think I have you need to find the proof!
I was responding to AOG claim about the majority of rapes carried out by muslim men.
Islay, ok, I'll rephrase the question. Do you believe that these grooming gangs are overwhelmingly made up of Muslim men?

aog made it clear at 10:58 that he meant Muslim grooming gangs.

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