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Question Time/ Momentum Time

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Khandro | 08:03 Sat 19th May 2018 | News
29 Answers
Last night, I watched (on YouTube) the previous evening's Q.T. with disbelief, 'A bizarrely shouty crackers episode – even by its current standards – during which the audience was allowed to heckle and jeer questions on Grenfell and the situation on the Gaza border. One audience member trying to put forward a valid point, quipped to the mob: “this is not a Momentum meeting”… but it certainly seemed to be !!
One of the panel members - not another Chakraborty !! claimed that the recent shootings of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers was the fault of Britain for selling them rifles!!
Did anyone watch this?

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1. We sell rifles to the Israelis.
2. The Israelis use rifles to murder protestors.

It would be a short episode of ‘Columbo’ where he worked that one to its conclusion.

Question Time audiences are selected to be as balanced as possible. Block bookings, or from Partys are not accepted.

If your views were not respresented, it may be that your views are not widely held, and are at the extreme end of the political spectrum.
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Grommit; Ever heard of lying

\\1. We sell rifles to the Israelis.
2. The Israelis use rifles to murder protestors.

It would be a short episode of ‘Columbo’ where he worked that one to its conclusion. //

Other countries including the U.S, Austria, Belguim, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Soviet Union, South Africa all sell arms to Israel, columbo wouldn't get a successful conviction.

He’d certainly have problems interviewing the ‘Soviet Union’
In theory it is against UK law to sell arms to regimes where the liklihood is that they will be used for torture and oppression.
Unfortunately in practice, we turn a blind eye when we are selling to our ‘friends’.
So terrible regimes in Turkey, the Arab world and Israel, will get the British guns they want.

\\In theory it is against UK law to sell arms to regimes where the liklihood is that they will be used for torture and oppression. //

But we can sell them for defence.
I suspect the attitude might be, unless there is a global ban, one is just shooting oneself in the foot. "Likelihood" sounds subjective.
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Perhaps we could sell them only for target practice?
Gromit, I'm sure I saw you in that audience. ;0)
// Ever heard of lying //

I am sure people can lie, left or right.

Maybe potential audience members could be waterboarded before acceptance.
gawd help us gromit will be calling for Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth next.....hang on! hamas use civilians as shields to create havoc, they are the cause of this.
It's what happens every single damn time anyone tries to debate the whole sordid Israel/Palestine issue. I don't know why, but that particular debate seems to inspire mania, narcissism and pathological obsession in the hearts of anyone who gets sucked in. Especially, for some reason, pampered westerners who have no obvious connection to it.

I don't want to suggest that being interested in the rest of the world is a bad thing - it isn't. But the shrieking outrage, posturing and impromptu political screeds which explode on both sides when anyone breathes a mention Israel/Palestine is enough to make me feel completely disinterested.
The left are pretty brutal when you don't have the predefined view on any given subject. Largely anti semetic they always side with terrorists. I haven't watch QTsince they filled the panel and audience with a load of terrorists sympathisers and then Beat up on the US ambassador days after 911, disgusting.
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Strange that the Arab world in general has less interest and support for the Palestinians and their Hamas terrorist leadership than the left wing Brits.
I now realise that not supporting Isreal’s genocide of its Arab population is anti semitic. Mass murder of Palestinians is justified because not being Jews makes them terroriists, and therefore murder of civilians is justified.
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Grommit; The ruling party of the Gaza Strip is Hamas -- fact! Hamas is officially a terrorist organisation -- fact!
Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of the legitimate and internationally accepted state of Israel and the death of all its inhabitants -- fact!
What do you not understand?
//Isreal’s genocide of its Arab population//

The destruction of Israel has been, and still is the clearly stated intention of most of Israel's Arab and Muslim neighbours since 1948. It's in the Hamas Charter, isn't it?

Here we go...
// the internationally accepted state of Israel //

I suggest you do a bit more research.
Hamas is the elected party of the Palestinian people. It was democratically elected in free and fair elections.

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