Barr was being racist, t'other woman was expressing her opinion of Trumps favourite offspring. Trump, as per, reacted like a spoiled child. We are winning, thmer thmer.
Personally, I thought this woman was vile for saying what she did about Ivanka Trump just because she was pictured hugging her child. Ivanka's not the President, her Dad is !
Not the same at all. Perhaps after his summit meeting with Kartrashian on prison reform tho he could start a consultation on offensive behaviour with the likes of ... himself ... ? :-)
As Ken says there is a difference between being a racist and being someone who simply insults someone they don't like, ignoring their race. Can you not understand the difference TTT?
It is a different case though I do agree that Samantha Bee should have been able to get her point across more eloquently - but then I am unaware of her style of presentation.
It's also understandable that President Trump is on the side of his friend Roseanne.
Of course you can, TTT. People do it all the time, though admittedly, not in French. Though racism isn't illegal in the good ol' US of A, it is certainly frowned upon and that is why Barr's show was taken off the air. Trump insults people all the time, doesn't he? He should have a thicker skin.
People frequently insult me but as long as they don't bring into it what race, religion or gender I am I'm all good.
'You stupid object' is fine ' You stupid Jewish Cow' is not, see?
Yeah start another thread on it TTT, but quick answer is it disturbs me just as Islamophobia does and racism in general wherever it occurs- but I have broad shoulders and the way to deal with that is not to abandon the party but change it from within.
Seems it all depends "what" or "who" you are that decides whether you are "racist" or "hate" filled. Susanne Barr...…..bad. Samantha Bee and now Joy Reid...…..good. America has the luvvie virus worse than we do. Perhaps they are working on a cure for it that may benefit us ultimately.