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Your serving with the regiment, the regiment is Not serving with you. Fall in line, or, fall out.
07:10 Sat 09th Jun 2018
// I am just posting an opinion to the OPer.//

so am I S - you should have been knighted
obvious choice - NHS - absentee - lives abroad
free with advice - personable - good communicator

( joke by the way )
oh and I forgot .... doesnt work
Having grown up in the forces I can assure you they have made load of changes and tradition is no longer as important as it was.
Heck they even let gays in now!!
P.P. ^^^^

Wrong thread.....sozza.
As an old soldier I think he should wear the Regimental Ceremonial dress the same as the rest of the regiment. He should be excused the beard though.
Sqad says it doesn't bother him but he must be really impressed by the guy. He's promoted him from Guardsman to Corporal :-)
He looks quite smart, actually, but i would put him on either end of the rank. Just looks a tad odd with him being in between bearskins, as it were.
Ken..LOL what do I know?
The Sikhs fought in WW1 and WW2 wearing turbans.

yes......we know that.
What is your point?
So its hardly breaking tradition is it - them wearing the turbans.
But sure it won't stop the lets hate the non white brigade getting their danders up!
Islay...tradition has it that on ceremonial occasions bearskins are worn, so yes it is breaking traditions.
Nothing to do with "non white" as i have great respect for the Sikhs and Ghurkas.
Might he inspire others to follow ...
It would be better if he was able to comply but presumably he earned the right to be part of the regiment,and he may have had to prove himself better in many cases to be seen as equal, surely it is worth the accommodation if he is a good soldier than have a lesser man in a furry hat
I have attended many ceremonial officer "dos" and irrespective of colour, creed or regiment the proper full dress uniform was worn....and splendid they all looked too... it is NOT a race/culture observation...
Fair play to him for having the courage to even walk through a recruiting office doorway but..... it’s just wrong, totally wrong.
HM Forces is all about uniformity, that’s why soldiers in infantry units in particular have always worn their own badges and adornments to distinguish themselves from other units(hackles, maroon berets, back badges etc). Indeed, my former regiment of the line wore the flash, which made us stand out collectively amongst other units.

If you want to wear the turban, you join a regiment where they do so. If none exists, you join another regiment and fall in line with the dress code.
I agree with ChillDoubt when he saus “If you want to wear the turban, you join a regiment where they do so. If none exists, you join another regiment and fall in line with the dress code.”

Islay, //But sure it won't stop the lets hate the non white brigade getting their danders up!//

Stop insulting people.
Well I attended one last year and I can assure you I saw 2 turbans and a kippah - perhaps you attended a long time ago.
But at the end of the day it doesn't matter what you all think - the army has allowed it and that is what matters.
Why Naomi its not insulting if its the truth!
is it?
We all know your thoughts and many others, you tell us every day !
Throw the card away Islay, your continued use of it with abandoned zeal invalidates any argument you make.
Islay, no, it isn't the truth. Every criticism of the things that ethnic minorities do doesn't emanate from racism. Stop insulting people.

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