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Trooping Of The Colour !

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Sqad | 09:18 Sun 10th Jun 2018 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Just some comments.

Prince William (you know what i think of him) looked as miserable and objectionable as ever.
Duke &Duchess of Sussex both looked miserable, as though they had just had a row.
Guardsman Lall was well hidden and was a credit to his regiment and family and his headgear was " no big deal" "storm in a teacup"............although my reservations still stand although attenuated.


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Don't you like Prince William, Sqad?
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LOL...I don't know him, never met him, but from white i have seen, he still needs "licking into shape" re. my previous thread some days ago at Prince William's wedding.
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naomi...LOL.....ha! you fell for the smiles, didn't you...a shot of happiness. I went for the whole picture. ;-)
Ahhh ... I see. It's all a cunning plan. ;o)
Any news of the old chap who fell off his horse? I hope it was only his pride that was bruised.
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naomi.....photographs are picked for the "happiest shot"....or..."Say cheese."
I watched them on TV and came to my conclusion.
Ah, George! I was a bit confused there, Sqad. He seemed happy enough to me.
charlotte is a wee sweetie ! I could just squidge her hamster chops !
sqad, what were you expecting of a four year old?
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^^^^ naomi...we have done that one.
79 is a fair old age Sandy to be riding a horse in full ceremonial uniform on a very hot day .
didn't see it on telly..who fell off his horse ?
sqad, //^^^^ naomi...we have done that one. //

We have? In that case I'm guessing that the 'miserable and objectionable' one has been done too and that this is a repeat performance.
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naomi....correct...BUT. with the addition of Guardsman Lall that nobody has mentioned.
Oh right. So not about Prince George at all then. Okay.

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