I think not, soft Britain yet again showing crime pays. OK, they have some of the cash and will try confiscation but I be they dont get anything like the 750K they conned from frail pensioners.
5 Years for one and only 1 year for the other (despite him already being on a suspended sentence it seems).
AH, as you know it is the latter, although I do find it strange it couldn't get more than 1 year.
I'd certainly like to see stiffer sentences and if the current sentencing does not allow for it then maybe it needs to be reviewd as this does not send out any deterrent message at all and neither does it give any proper punishment.
Not sure I'd go for the rope on this one though :-)
Indeed YMB - although I am always of the view that sentences are not deterrents, only ever punishments.
By definition, criminals are not usually very bright, and not prone to thinking ahead in terms of consequences, and even those that do must accept it as a potential but risk-worthy outcome, otherwise they would not commit the crime in the first place.
I don't think anyone who commits any crime seriously considers that they will be caught.
I do sort of agree AH. I do think there can be an element of deterrent for some crime and with some people. I'm pretty sure if there was no jail many more would partake of fraud for instance.